====== NAV contributions and third party solutions ====== ===== NAV contributions ===== * The autodiscovery addon to the collections system is on the release notes of 3.1 said to be a contrib. The autodicsovery is not a contrib it is a part of NAV. It is of cource not compulsary to use. * UiT has made a **radius module** to NAV for their own purpuses. This is running at their NAV installation. They are planning to submit the radius module to contrib for the NAV 3.2 release. * UiT has made a **windows machine name collector** (collects netbios name). A table containing IP addresses and netbios names is maintained. Scheduled for NAV 3.2 contrib. * UiT has also made expansions to the NAV service monitor. This includes a **radius monitor**. This is also scheduled for the NAV 3.2 contrib. ===== NAV third party solutions ===== * [[http://drift.uninett.no/~andreas/mailin/|MailIn]]: Andreas Solberg, UNINETT, has made a third party solution that interprets incoming email from external systems and posts events on the NAV event queue. -------