====== Database documentation ======
This documents gives detailed information on the design of the NAV database. Currently (version 3.3) NAV is split into four separate databases, with a total of **95 tables**:
* The main database "manage" is also referred to as NAVdb and contains the topology information of the network, machine tracker data, tables for the event- and alert system, for the messages system and more. The "manage" database has 58 tables.
* The [[#the_nav_profiles_database|NAV profiles]] database has information on NAV users and their selected alert profiles. The "NAV profiles" database has 27 tables.
* The [[#the_arnold_database|Arnold]] database has information on switch ports that are blocked by the Arnold front end tool. The "Arnold" database has 4 tables.
* The [[#the_logger_database|logger]] database is a small database for the Cisco syslog analyzer component of NAV. The database has 6 tables.
====== NAVdb ("manage") ======
Although this is one big database, we have here split NAVdb in 9 different logical groups of tables. This
is shown on 5 different diagrams:
* [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/netbox_related.png|Diagram 1]] shows these groups of tables:
* Netbox related tables
* The OID database
* Tables for serviceMon
* Tables used by Device Management
* [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/topology.png|Diagram 2]] shows topology related tables:
* Router related topology
* Switch related topology
* [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/eventDB.png|Diagram 3]] shows tables for:
* The event and alert system
* A diagram 4 (currently non existent) should show the tables for:
* The message and maintenance systems
* [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/trafficmap.png|Diagram 5]] shows tables for:
* The traffic map (vlanplot)
===== Netbox related tables =====
Diagram 1 shows the relations between the group of tables in this section:
==== netbox ====
The netbox table is the heart of the heart so to speak, the most central table of them all.
The netbox tables contains information on all IP devices that NAV manages with adhering
information and relations.
netboxid primary key
ip IP address of the netbox
roomid room the box is placed in
deviceid the device this is (foreign key to device)
typeid sysobjectid of the box
sysname name of the box, based on fully qualified dns name with fall back to IP address.
Historically MibII system.sysname was used as source, but we now use dns.
catid category of the box (GW,SW,SRV, etc)
subcat DEPRECATED? - check before delete!!!
orgid organization that manages the box
ro snmp read community
rw snmp write community
prefixid prefix the netbox is on
up whether the box is up and running (as seen from pping)
snmp_version version of the snmp agent (1 or 2)
snmp_agent DEPRECATED? - check before delete!!! Was used by a server collection module once.
upsince the timestamp when the box was last booted. Data is taken from mibII system.uptime
uptodate whether gDD has done OID classification
discovered timestamp when the box was first discovered by NAV
==== netboxinfo ====
The netboxinfo table is the place to store additional info on a netbox.
netboxinfoid primary key
netboxid netbox the info relates to
key not alway used, adds another dimension to (var,val). gDD uses i.e. this when storing collected
CDP data for a netbox.
var variable
val value
==== device ====
The device table contains all physical devices in the network. As opposed to
the netbox table, the device table focuses on the physical box with its serial
number. The device may appear as different net boxes or may appear in different
modules throughout its lifetime.
deviceid primary key
serial serial number
hw_ver hardware version
fw_ver firmware version
sw_ver software version
auto whether this device is discovered automatically by ipdevpoll or not
discovered when the device was first discovered by NAV.
active whether the device should be in operation (not just ordered)
==== module ====
The module table defines modules. A module is a part of a netbox of category GW, SW and GSW.
A module has ports; i.e router ports and/or switch ports. A module is also a physical
device with a serial number.
moduleid primary key
deviceid the device this is
netboxid netbox the module is a part of
module the module number (integer - may be confusing)
model the model description (as given by the vendor)
descr further description (as given by the vendor)
up whether the module is up and running (as detected by moduleMon. modeleMon is a plugin to gDD)
downsince since when the module has been down
name Modules aren't necessarily identified using integers (as in module.module), so we add names in v3.6
==== mem ====
The mem table describes the memory (memory and nvram) of a netbox.
memid primary key
netboxid netbox the memory is part of
memtype type of memory (flash or memory)
device memory device (bootflash, slot0, disk1, etc)
size size of the memory in byte
used how much of the memory that is used
==== room ====
The room table defines a wiring closes / network room / server room
roomid primary key - text - also the name of the room
locationid in which location the room is
descr description of the room
opt1 additional info
opt2 "
opt3 "
opt4 "
==== location ====
The location table defines a group of rooms; i.e. a campus.
locationid primary key - text - also name of location
descr further description
==== org ====
The org table defines an organization.
* An organization is in charge of a given netbox.
* An organization is using a given prefix (to derive this relation you must adopt the NAV guidelines for router descriptions as explained in SubnetsAndVlans).
orgid primary key - text - also name of org
parent parent organization, if any
descr further description
contact contact info
opt1 additional info
opt2 "
opt3 "
==== cat ====
The cat table defines the categories of a netbox (GW,GSW,SW,EDGE,WLAN,SRV,OTHER).
catid primary key - predefined categories
descr further description
req_snmp whether NAV requires snmp support for the category
(false for SRV and OTHER, true for the five others)
==== subcat ====
The subcat table defines subcategories within a category. A category may have many subcategories.
A subcategory belong to one and only one category.
subcatid primary key - text - also name of subcat
descr further description
catid category the subcat belongs to
==== netboxcategory ====
A netbox may be in many subcategories. This relation is defined here.
netboxid netbox in question
category _subcat_ in question
==== type ====
The type table defines the type of a netbox, the sysobjectid being the unique identifier.
typeid primary key
vendorid vendor of this equipment type
typename name of the type
descr further description
sysobjectid sysobjectid
cs_at_vlan whether the type uses community@vlan snmp polls
chassis whether this is a chassis type box or not
frequency DEPRECATED - check before delete!!!
cdp whether the type supports cdp
tftp whether the type supports tftp storage
==== vendor ====
The vendor table defines vendors. A type is of a vendor.
vendorid table identifier, also the name of the vendor.
===== The OID database =====
This [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/netbox_related.png|diagram]] shows OID database (and more).
The role of the OID database has changed with NAV 3.6. ipdevpoll (that replaces getDeviceData) does not depend
on the OID database. Cricket still does and getBoksMacs still uses the oid database to figure out device
==== snmpoid ====
The snmpoid table defines all OIDs used during snmp data gathering and/or Cricket data collection.
snmpoidid primary key
snmpoid the OID
oidkey the variable used in NAV code for the OID
oidsource whether Cricket uses the oid or not
match_regex the response from the OID must match the regexp defined her, if empty any response is ok.
getnext If true; the OID is the root of a subtree, the OID tester then does a getnext poll to verify this.
If false; this OID is a leaf OID.
decodehex If true; the data is in hex and should be decoded to ASCII before doing the match_regex
uptodate boolean. If false netboxes are not OID tested against this OID. If you add snmpoids in
the Edit Database tool this value will initially be false.
defaultfreq Default gDD poll frequency for this OID. Netboxes that are classified to answer to this OID will
inherit this value in netboxsnmpoid. Most OIDs default to 6hrs (21600), modulemon to 1 hrs (3600).
descr further description
oidname the official name of the oid
mib the MIB the oid belongs to
==== netboxsnmpoid ====
The netboxsnmpoid table defines which netboxes answers to which snmpoids.
netboxid which netbox
snmpoidid which OID
frequency How often gDD polls this OID for this netbox. The value is inherited from snmpoid.deaultfreq.
===== Tables for serviceMon =====
This [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/netbox_related.png|diagram]] shows tables for serviceMon (and more).
==== service ====
The service table defines the services on a netbox that serviceMon monitors.
serviceid primary key
netboxid which netbox the service for monitoring is for
active DEPRECATED? - check before remove. Was used for maintenance.
handler type of service (ssh,http,dns,dc etc)
version version of the service, i.e. apache/ssh version
up whether serviceMon finds that the service is up/down
==== serviceproperty ====
Each service may have an additional set of attributes. They are defined here.
serviceid primary key
property additional property of the service
value the value of the property
===== The RRD database =====
This [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/netbox_related.png|diagram]] shows the RRD database (and more).
==== rrd_file ====
The rrd_file contains meta information on all RRD files that NAV
uses. Each RRD file has statistics for a certain netbox
rrd_fileid primary key
path file system path to the rrd file in question
filename filename of the rrd file
step how often the rrd fil is updated (in seconds)
subsystem the subsystem that is updating the file
(typically cricket, pping or servicemon)
netboxid the netbox the rrd file has statistics for
key if relevant, which part of the netbox the rrd file has statistics for, i.e.
which table; service / interface
value i.e. which serviceid / interfaceid
==== rrd_datasource ====
An rrd_file consists of a set of data sources defined in this table.
A data source is a data set, i.e. outOctets for a given switch port on a given switch.
rrd_datasourceid primary key
rrd_fileid the rrd file the data source is within
name name of the source (ds0,ds1,RESPONSE TIME etc)
descr type of datasource, i.e. ifInOctets, ifInErrors, cpu5min, etc
dstype type (DERIVE / GAUGE)
units units used on y-axis (seconds, bytes, etc)
threshold for thresholdmon: the threshold value to be checked on this data source.
May be stored as an integer or a percentage number.
max for thresholdmon: the max value that this data source may be. Important if
the threshold is stored as percentage.
delimiter for thresholdmon: either '<' or '>'. Tells us if the value must be higher or
lower than the threshold.
thresholdstate for thresholdmon: if this is set to 'active' we have sent an alert on this
data source, if it is inactive, we have not.
===== Router related topology tables =====
Diagram 2 shows the relations between the topology related tables:
==== interface ====
New table in v3.6. General interface table, combines the old gwport and swport in one.
In cases where attribute starts with if* it is the exact equivalent of the IF-MIB (RFC 1229) instance.
interfaceid primary key
netboxid netbox the interface belongs to
moduleid module the interace is on (if found)
ifindex ifindex of the router port
ifname interface name
ifdescr interface
baseport port number (integer) if appliqable ???
to_netboxid the netbox the interface connects to (if any)
to_interfaceid the interface this interface connects to (if any)
==== rproto_attr ====
New table in v3.6. General table for routing protocol metrics. Relates to intervace table.
id primary key
interfaceid which interface this is (foreign key)
protoname protocol name, i.e. ospf, isis, etc
metric metric value
==== gwport ====
The gwport table defines the router ports connected to a module.
Only router ports that are //not// shutdown are included.
Router ports without defined IP addresses are also excluded.
gwportid primary key
moduleid module the router port is on
ifindex ifindex of the router port
link whether the router port is operState up or down, apparently not in use
masterindex if the router port is a subinterface, this value
points to the gwportid of the master port.
interface interface textual name (i.e Ethernet1/2)
speed speed in Mbps (1000 => 1 Gbps)
metric ospf metric defined on the router port, if relevant.
portname router interface description (the whole string)
to_netboxid the netbox the router port connects to (if any)
to_swportid the switch port the router connects to (if any)
==== gwportprefix ====
The gwportprefix table defines the router port IP addresses, one or more.
HSRP is also supported.
interfaceid interface (router port) in question
prefixid prefix in question
gwip ip address defines on the router port
hsrp boolean. If true, the ip address is an hsrp address
Note: this allows for secondary addresses on router ports.
==== prefix ====
The prefix table stores IP prefixes.
prefixid primary key
netaddr cidr prefix
vlanid broadcast / vlan the prefix is running on
==== vlan ====
The vlan table defines the IP broadcast domain / vlan.
A broadcast domain often has a vlan value, it may consist of many IP prefixes, it
is of a network type, it is used by an organization (org) and has a user group (usage) within the org.
vlanid primary key
vlan vlan value
nettype nettype of the vlan, reference to the nettype table
orgid org. of the vlan, reference to the org table
usageid usage of the vlan, reference to the usage table
netident a substring of the router port description derived
acccording to the suggested NAV syntax.
description also a substring of the router port description derived
acccording to the suggested NAV syntax.
==== nettype ====
The nettype table defines network type;lan, core, link, elink, loopback, closed, static, reserved, scope.
For a definition se SubnetsAndVlans. The network types are predefined in NAV and may not be altered.
nettypeid primary key, also nettype value;
- lan, link core, elink, static, scope etc
descr further description
edit Prefixes that are reserved, but not in operation or define your outer scope may be
added manually in the Edit Database tool. For these netttypes (reserved and scope) edit='t'.
==== usage ====
The usage table defines the user group (student, staff etc).
Usage categories are maintained in the edit database tool.
usageid primary key, also usage value
descr further description
==== arp ====
The arp table contains (ip, mac, time start, time end)
arpid primary key
netboxid router the arp entry comes from
sysname the same router in name (in case the
router is deleted, arp has historic data)
prefixid prefix the arp entry belongs to
ip ip address of the arp entry
mac mac address of the arp entry
start_time time the arp entry was first discovered
end_time time the arp entry disappeared
(typically 4 hours after the last packet sent).
===== Switch related topology tables =====
This [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/topology.png|diagram]] showns the relations between the
topology related tables.
==== swport ====
The swport table defines the switchports connected to a module.
swportid primary key
moduleid module the swith port is on
ifindex ifindex of the swport
port port number (integer) if appliqable
interface interface name
link wheather the port has link. 'd' means ???
speed speed of the port in Mbps (1000 => 1 Gbps)
duplex half or full duplex (h/f)
media media type - not collected ??? USED?
vlan vlan value of non trunk ports. This value is
also in the swportvlan table - in report it
is taken from swport vlan, not from here.
trunk whether the port is trunk (boolean).
May be NULL if it cannot be determined.
portname the configured port name (description/ifAlias value)
to_netboxid the netbox the port connects to (if any)
to_swportid the switch port the port connects to (if any)
==== swportvlan ====
The swportvlan table defines the vlan values on all switch ports.
dot1q trunk ports typically have several rows in this table.
swportvlanid table primary key
interfaceid interface id (foreign key ref to interface table, i.e. which switch port is this)
vlanid vlan id (foreign key ref to vlan table, not an actual vlan number)
direction Direction of the link, seen from the root of the topology (the vlan's router).
'o' = 'Up', 'n' = 'Down', 'b' = 'Blocked', 'x' = Unknown
==== swportallowedvlan ====
Stores a string of hexadecimal digits that represents the set of VLANs that are allowed to traverse a given trunk port. The hexadecimal string can be converted to an octet string, representing a string of bits, or a very large number, if you will:
* If the hexadecimal string is 256 digits long, the most significant bit in the octet string represents VLAN 0, while the least significant bit represents VLAN 1023. A set bit indicates that a VLAN is allowed, an unset bit indicates that it is not allowed.
* If the hexadecimal string is less than 256 characters long, the bit order is reversed, and the least significant bit represents VLAN 0.
The octet string representation is taken directly from a couple of CISCO MIBs, and as many will configure their trunks to allow any VLAN 1-1023, this representation will save space by reducing the number of necessary table rows.
To make interpretation of this data simpler using pure SQL, a help table (//range//) and two views (//allowedvlan// and //allowedvlan_both//) are provided. The //allowedvlan// view will decompose the hexstring into a set of VLAN rows for each trunk port.
interfaceid switch trunk port in question (foreign key to the interface table)
hexstring hexstring that defines the allowed vlans for the trunk
==== swportblocked ====
This table defines the spanning tree blocked ports for a given vlan for a given switch port.
interfaceid switch port in question (foreign key to interface table)
vlan vlan value
==== swp_netbox ====
A help table used in the process of building the physical
topology of the network. swp_netbox defines the candidates
for next hop physical neighborship.
swp_netboxid primary key
netboxid switch in question
ifindex ifindex on the switch
to_netboxid candidate next hop netbox
to_interfaceid candidate next hop switch port (foreign key to interface table)
misscnt see misscnt in the cam table below. Same thing.
==== netbox_vtpvlan ====
A help table that contains the vtp vlan database of a switch.
For certain cisco switches cam information is gathered
using a community@vlan string. It is then necessary to know all
vlans that are active on a switch. The vtp vlan table is an
extra source of information.
netboxid relation to the netbox (switch) in question
vtpvlan vlan value from the vtp table of the switch
==== cam ====
The cam table defines (swport, mac, time start, time end)
camid primary key
netboxid switch that has the cam entry
sysname name of the same switch, in case switch is deleted,
cam data are historic
ifindex infindex of the switch port for the cam entry
module module number for the cam entry
port port number for the cam entry
mac mac address found on the port
start_time time the mac address was first seen
end_time time the mac address disappeared (idle timer in
bridge tables are typically 5 minutes)
misscnt count how many times the cam entry has been tried updated
and failed. We do not want to terminate these cam entries
right away. It is configurable how many misscnt the camlogger
should tolerate.
===== Cabling system database =====
==== cabling ====
The cabling table documents the cabling from the wirering closet's jack
number to the end user's room number.
cablingid primary key
roomid room number
jack jack number
building building where the cabling is done
targetroom room the remote end of the cabling is terminated
descr further description, if any
category type of cabling (i.e. cat5e, cat6 ...)
==== patch ====
The patch table documents the cross connect from switch port to jack.
patchid primary key
interfaceid reference to the swport the cross connect is connected to (foreign key to interface table)
cablingid reference to the jakc the cross connect is connected to
split If a split cable is used in the jack end, specify type and leaf.
===== Event system =====
Diagram 3 shows the relations between the event system tables:
==== eventq ====
The event queue. Additional data in eventqvar.
Different subsystem (specified in source) post events on the event queue.
Normally event engine is the target and will take the event off the event
queue and process it (getDeviceData was in some cases the target, not anymore).
eventqid primary key
source the subsystem that has posted the event
(reference to subsystem table)
target the subsystem that is the target of the event
(reference to subsystem table).
Usually event engine, may be gDD
deviceid the device that the event is about
netboxid the netbox that the event is about
subid a sub value on the netbox, may be ...
time time the event was posted
eventtypeid event type, reference to the eventtype table
state state of the event; s=start, e=end, x=not stateful
value value if applickable
severity severity of the event
eventtype defines eventtypes
==== eventtype ====
Defines event types.
eventtypeid primary key, also event type value
(i.e boxState, serviceState, info etc)
eventtypedesc further description of the event
stateful boolean value; wheather the event is statefull
subsystem defines subsystem that post or receives events
==== subsystem ====
Defines the subsystems that post or receives an event.
name name of subsystem that posts (source) or
receives (target) event on the eventq
descr further descr of the subsystem (not used)
==== eventqvar ====
Defines additional (key,value) tuples that follow events.
eventqid event in question
var variable
val value
==== alertq ====
The alert queue. Additional data in alertqvar and alertmsg.
Event engine posts alerts on the alert queue (and in addition
on the alerthist table). Alert engine will process the data on
the alert queue and send alerts to users based on their alert
profiles. When all signed up users have received the alert, alert engine
will delete the alert from alertq (but not from alert history).
alertqid primary key
source the subsystem that has posted the event
(reference to subsystem table)
deviceid the device that the event is about
netboxid the netbox that the event is about
subid a sub value on the netbox, may be ...
time time the event was posted
eventtypeid event type, reference to the eventtype table
alerttypeid alert type, reference to the eventtype table
state state of the event; s=start, e=end, x=not stateful
value value if applickable
severity severity of the event
==== alerttype ====
Defines the alert types. An event type may have many alert types.
alerttypeid primary key
eventtypeid event type
alerttype alert type name
alerttypedesc alert type description
==== alertqmsg ====
Event engine will, based on alertmsg.conf, preformat the alarm messages,
one message for each configured alert channel (email, sms), one message for
each configured language. The data are stored in the alertqmsg table.
alertqid primary key
msgtype email | sms
language language of the message
msg the message text
==== alertqvar ====
Defines additional (key,value) tuples that follow alert.
Note: the eventqvar tuples are passed along to the alertqvar table
so that the variables may be used in alert profiles.
alertqid primary key
var variable
val value
==== alerthist ====
The alert history. Simular to the alert queue with one important distinction;
alert history stores statefull events as one row, with the start and end time
of the event.
alerthistid primary key
source the subsystem that has posted the event
(reference to subsystem table)
deviceid the device that the event is about
netboxid the netbox that the event is about
subid a sub value on the netbox, may be ...
start_time when the event occurred. if stateful; start time
end_time if stateful; end time
eventtypeid event type, reference to the eventtype table
alerttypeid alert type, reference to the eventtype table
value value if applickable
severity severity of the event
==== alerthistvar ====
Defines additional (key,value) tuples that follow the alerthist record.
alerthistid primary key
state state of the event; s=start, e=end, x=not stateful
var variable
val value
==== alerthistmsg ====
To have a history of the formatted messages too, they are stored in alerthistmsg.
alerthistid primary key
state state of the event; s=start, e=end, x=not stateful
msgtype email | sms
language language of the message
msg the message text
===== Messages =====
==== table: message ====
The table contains the messages registered in the messages tool.
Each message has a timeframe for when it is published on the NAV main page.
messageid primary key
title title of the message (text)
description further description (text)
tech_description optional technical description (text)
publish_start start time for when the message is published (timestamp)
publish_end end time for when the message is published (timestamp)
author user who posted the message (text: username)
last_changed when the message was last changed (timestamp)
replaces_message if the message is a follow up to an old message,
this is a reference to the old message
replaced_by for convenience, if a message is replaced, the
trig_message_replace database trigger will create
a reference to the new message that replaced it
==== view: message_with_replaced ====
A message joined with the message it replaces and the message it was replaced by. Columns returned:
messageid replaces_message replaced_by
title replaces_message_title replaced_by_title
description replaces_message_description replaced_by_description
tech_description replaces_message_tech_description replaced_by_tech_description
publish_start replaces_message_publish_start replaced_by_publish_start
publish_end replaces_message_publish_end replaced_by_publish_end
author replaces_message_author replaced_by_author
last_changed replaces_message_last_changed replaced_by_last_changed
==== trigger: trig_message_replace ====
As described in message.replaced_by, this trigger automatically updates message.replaced_by
based on the message.replaces_message. The trigger is run on all inserts or updates to message.
replaced_by and replaces_message is in essence duplication of data, but this is defended by the
trigger which ensures that the two fields will always be consistent.
===== Maintenance =====
==== table: maint_task ====
The maintenance task created in the maintenance task tool.
maint_taskid primary key
maint_start start of maintenance window (timestamp)
maint_end end of maintenance window (timestamp)
description description of the maintenance task (text)
author user who posted the message (text: username)
state state of the maintenance task,
e.g. 'scheduled', 'active', 'passed' (text)
maintengine changes this value
==== table: maint_component ====
The components that are put on maintenance in the maintenance tool.
maint_taskid reference to the maintenance task the component relates to
key may be 'location', 'room', 'netbox' or 'service'
value depending on key this may be locationid, roomid,
netboxid or moduleid
(primary key: the triplet (maint_taskid, key, value))
==== table: message_to_maint_task ====
The connection between messages and related maintenance tasks.
messageid reference to the message
maint_taskid reference to the maintenance task
(primary key: the pair (messageid, maint_taskid))
==== view: maint ====
maint_task natural joined with maint_component.
====== The "NAV profiles database" ======
The "NAV Profiles" database contains 27 tables.
This [[http://domen.uninett.no/~faltin/nav/navdb/NAVProfiles.png|figure]] shows 21 of them.
As the figure suggests, the "NAV Profiles" database can be subdivided into the following groups of tables:
* Tables managed by the **user admin** tool (yellow tables)
* Tables managed by **alertEngine** (green tables)
* The rest (blue and red) are used by **Alert Profiles**.
The last 6 tables, not included on the figure, can be grouped as follows:
* accountorg relates users to organizations, so a part of **user admin**
* privilege and accountgroupPrivilege relates privilege to users, administered by **user admin**
* navbarlink and accountbarlink relates to the users setup for **nav bar preferences**
* defaultfilter is an additional table uses by **Alert Profiles**.
To sum up, the 27 tables can be grouped as follows:
* **user admin** has 10 tables.
* **nav bar user preference** has 2 tables.
* **alert Engine** has 2 tables.
* **Alert Profiles** has 13 tables.
We do not document the database in further detail here, but refer to
[[http://svn.itea.ntnu.no/repos/nav/navme/branches/3.1.x/doc/sql/navprofiles.sql|navprofiles.sql]] that is
quite well documented!
====== The "Arnold" database ======
The "Arnold" database contains 4 tables.
==== blocked_reason ====
blocked_reasonid primary key
text A reason for blocking a given set of switch ports
==== identity ====
:!: Not up to date!
identityid primary key
mac MAC-address of computer
blocked_status boolean
blocked_reasonid reason of the block, reference to the blocked_reason table
swportid reference to the switch port found in the interface table.
We find sysname,ip,module and port from this
swsysname current sysname of switch, kept for consistency check
swvendor vendor of switch, used to determine snmp-query
swip current ip of switch, kept for consistency check
swmodule current module, kept for consistency check
swport current port, kept for consistency check
swifindex current ifindex, kept for consistency check
community community of switch
ip current ip of computer
dns current dns-name of computer
netbios current netbios-name of computer
starttime time of first event on this computer-swport combo
lastchanged time of last current event on this computer-swport combo
autoenable time for autoenable
autoenablestep number of days to wait for autoenable
multiple stores the amount of computers detected behind this port
mail the mail address the warning was sent to
secret flag this tuple as visible only to members of the secret club
userlock lock this tuple to the specified user, it is visible but not possible to enable by other users
orgid organization
determined set to y if this mac/port combo is blocked with the -d option.
==== event ====
eventid primary key
identityid reference to identity
event_comment comment
blocked_status boolean
blocked_reasonid reason of block, reference to blocked_reason
eventtime timestamp of the event
autoenablestep ?
==== block ====
The block table, in lack of a better name, is a run where we do automatic blocking
of computers based on input ip-list.
blockid primary key
blocktitle title of block
blockdesc description of block
mailfile path to mailfile to use to send mail when blocking
reasonid reason of block, reference to blocket_reason
private if set uses the -k parameter in Arnold
determined if set uses the -d parameter in Arnold
incremental if set uses the -e parameter in Arnold
blocktime days from block to autoenable
userid the user that blocks the ip-adresses
active if set to n will not do blocking of this kind
lastedited timestamp of last time this block was edited
lastedituser username of user who last edited this block
inputfile path to file where list of ip-adresses is, if applicable
====== The "logger" database ======
The logger database contains 6 tables. The database is used for storing Cisco syslog messages in a
structured manner. The database has no relation to other parts of NAV, thus the logger system can be looked upon
as a separate system (the origin table could potentially relate to the netbox table in a later
See [[http://nav.uninett.no/static/reports/NAVMore.pdf|NAVMore report ch 2.4]] (in Norwegian) for a further explaination of
the NAV Cisco syslog analyzer tool. The chapter also includes a database figure, almost uptodate; the system table no longer exists and there is a newpriority reference from message to priority. For an explanation of the front-end tool, see [[..sysloganalyzer|here]].
==== message ====
Contains the syslog messages with reference to other tables
id primary key
message the message itself
time timestamp when the message was posted
origin reference to origin table, the box who has sent the message
type reference to the type table, the message type, indirectly priority
newpriority reference to priority table, used only if the priority of the message is overridden
by rules defined in the syslog config file.
==== origin ====
The box that has sent the syslog message
origin primary key
name name of the box (switch,router,base station) that sent the syslog message
category reference to category
==== category ====
category ? (gw,sw etc?)
==== type ====
type primary key
priority reference to priority table (value 0-7)
facility component of the Cisco defined syslog structure (ex: IP / LINK etc)
mnemonic component of the Cisco defined syslog structure (ex: TCP_BADCKSUM, ERROR etc)
==== priority ====
Defines the eight Cisco priority levels. This table is predefined in NAV filled with
the eight rowa of data.
priority primary key, value 0-7
keyword name of the priority
description explaination
==== errorerror ====
Contains messages that deviate from the cisco syslog message format and thus cannot be stored in
the given structure.
id primary key
message the message that was erroranous