====== Installing NAV 3 on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 ====== This page is **REALLY FANTASTICALLY** outdated ===== Installing the prerequisites ===== ==== RPM and SuSE ==== Apart from what seemed to be installed by default, these packages were installed using yast2 (some of these packages might not make sense in a NAV context, but were installed as extra tools during the server preparation): * XFree86-libs * alsa * apache2 * apache2-mod_php4 * apache2-mod_python * apache2-prefork * atftp * blt * ctags * dialog * emacs * emacs-info * emacs-nox * expat * findutils-locate * fontconfig * freetype2 * gcc * gd * glibc-devel * gpg-pubkey-b481ca4b * jakarta-tomcat * java2 * java2-jre * libapr0 * libjpeg * liblcms * libmng * libpng * libtiff * make * mm * net-snmp * perl-Crypt-DES * perl-DBD-Pg * perl-DBI * perl-HTML-Parser * perl-HTML-Tagset * perl-Net-SNMP * perl-SNMP * perl-TermReadKey * perl-TimeDate * perl-libwww-perl * pgperl * php4 * php4-gd * php4-gettext * php4-pgsql * php4-session * postgresql * postgresql-contrib * postgresql-devel * postgresql-libs * postgresql-pl * postgresql-server * python-devel * python-egenix-mx-base * python-ldap * python-tk * qt3 * rrdtool * samba-client * screen * sudo * t1lib * tcl * tk * unixODBC * unzip * yast2-qt ==== Perform these commands ==== This will install required software that is not available from //yast2//. Commands: umask 0022 wget http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download/pg74.215.jdbc3.jar cp pg74.215.jdbc3.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ # The WestHawk Java SNMP library has been replaced by the library found at # http://gicl.cs.drexel.edu/people/sevy/snmp/ # Must be compiled from source wget http://gicl.cs.drexel.edu/people/sevy/snmp/source_1.4.zip # Follow the build instructions in the archive (make SNMPPackage), you should have snmp.jar in the end: cp snmp.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ wget http://c0re.23.nu/c0de/IPy/IPy-0.42.tar.gz tar xvzf IPy-0.42.tar.gz cd IPy-0.42 python setup.py install cd .. wget http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/py-rrdtool/py-rrdtool-0.2.1.tar.gz tar xvzf py-rrdtool-0.2.1.tar.gz cd py-rrdtool-0.2.1 python setup.py install cd .. # Get latest pysnmp *2* from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pysnmp tar xvzf pysnmp-2.*.tar.gz cd pysnmp-2.* python setup.py install cd .. wget http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/cheetahtemplate/Cheetah-0.9.16a2.tar.gz tar xvzf Cheetah-0.9.16a2.tar.gz cd Cheetah-0.9.16a2 python setup.py install cd .. wget http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/forgetsql/forgetSQL-0.5.1.tar.gz tar xvzf forgetSQL-0.5.1.tar.gz cd forgetSQL-0.5.1 python setup.py install cd .. wget http://forgethtml.sourceforge.net/forgethtml-cvs-2004-10-21.tar.gz tar xvzf forgethtml-cvs-2004-10-21.tar.gz cd forgethtml python setup.py install cd .. wget http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/psycopg-1.1.18.tar.gz tar xvzf psycopg-1.1.18.tar.gz cd psycopg-1.1.18 ./configure \ --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/pgsql \ --with-mxdatetime-includes=/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mx/DateTime/mxDateTime make make install cd .. wget http://www.switch.ch/misc/leinen/snmp/perl/dist/SNMP_Session-1.07.tar.gz tar xvzf SNMP_Session-1.07.tar.gz cd SNMP_Session-1.07 perl Makefile.PL make make install cd .. # Gammu is packaged in a really shitty way, and the spec file is botched # somehow. We compile from source in this example. wget http://www.mwiacek.com/zips/gsm/gammu/gammu.tar.gz tar xvzf gammu.tar.gz cd gammu-1.01.0 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-bluetooth make make install cd .. # Configure gammu to use the first serial port cat << EOF > /etc/gammurc [gammu] port=/dev/ttyS0 EOF # Test that Gammu sees the phone with this: gammu --identify ===== Installed NAV 3 from scratch, using RPM ===== First, run this command to install the NAV rpm: rpm -ivh nav-3.0*.noarch.rpm In addition to installing NAV, this should create the group //nav// and the user //navcron//. NAV's SMS Daemon runs as the navcron user, so you need to make sure that the navcron user is permitted to write to the system's serial ports. If you set up your phone on ///dev/ttyS0//, check to see which group has write permissions to that device, and add the navcron user to that group (On SLES, this is typically the //uucp// group). ==== Initializing and configuring the database ==== Initialize the database using the recipe from ''/usr/local/nav/doc/sql/README''. Use this file whenever you are installing NAV. For upgrading use the correct script from ''nav/doc/sql/upgrades/''. The password for tha nav-user should be set by using the instructions in this document. If you need to alter the password this can be done by: psql template1 ALTER USER nav WITH PASSWORD 'foo'; \q exit Configure NAV to use these passwords. Changes made to ''/usr/local/nav/etc/db.conf'': # # PostgreSQL user passwords. # userpw_nav=foo We need to be able to connect to PostgreSQL using TCP/IP, and we should enable statistics to allow pg_autovacuum to do database maintenance. Make sure these settings are present in ''/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf'': tcpip_socket = true stats_start_collector = true stats_row_level = true And these in ''pg_hba.conf'' in the same directory: local all postgres ident sameuser local all all md5 host all all md5 host all all ::1 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff md5 We will not assign a password for the postgres user here, but instead we will demand //ident sameuser// authentication for the postgres user and grant sudo access to database administrators to perform commands as the postgres user. This means a database administrator on the server can execute ''sudo -u postgres psql manage'' to enter SQL commands in the NAVdb, regardless of whether he/she has root access to the server. We restart PostgreSQL (still as root) and start pg_autovacuum (which should really be started as part of ''/etc/init.d/postgresql''): /etc/init.d/postgresql restart su -c "pg_autovacuum -D" postgres Configure PostgreSQL to automatically start when the server is restarted: chkconfig postgresql on ==== Installing NAV libraries ==== The RPM packages provided by the NAV team does not install NAV in the preferred layout of the distribution, but rather puts everything into ''/usr/local/nav''. Therefore, we will need to employ a few tricks to make the NAV libraries easily available to all programs on the server (you are free to contribute a .spec file with an alternate installation layout!). ==== Java ==== In preference to building a long, ugly CLASSPATH, we symlink all the .jar-files of NAV in the the running JVM's library directory: cd $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext ln -s /usr/local/nav/lib/java/*.jar . Also you need to symlink in the postgres and snmp-drivers. There were linked to ''/usr/local/nav/lib/java''. ==== Python ==== In preference to setting a PYTHONPATH environment variable pointing to the NAV Python libraries, we fix **sys.path** by creating the file ''usr/lib/python2.3/site-package/sitecustomize.py'' and placing this code in it: import sys sys.path.append('/usr/local/nav/lib/python') This will make sure that the NAV python libraries are available to all running Python programs on the server, without the need to install these libraries in the library directories of Python. ==== Perl ==== As with the Java libraries, we create a few symlinks to the perl libraries (although this is not as straightforward as symlinking the .jar files). Assuming the Perl version on your system is 5.8.3, we do: cd /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 ln -s /usr/local/nav/lib/perl/NAV.pm ln -s /usr/local/nav/lib/perl/NAV ln -s /usr/local/nav/lib/perl/NetAddr ==== Tomcat ==== Tomcat needs the postgres-driver as well. It was linked to ''/usr/lib/SunJava2-1.4.2/jre/lib/ext''. ==== Configuring Apache ==== The example Apache 2 configuration from the NAV source tree (http://svn.itea.ntnu.no/repos/nav/navme/trunk/doc/apache/httpd2.conf.example) was used as a basis, and the relevant parts were placed into SuSE's Apache 2 configuration structure. We recommend installing an SSL server and redirect all non-SSL requests to this server (so all web server traffic, including passwords, are encrypted). Restart Apache2 and configure it to automatically start when the server is restarted: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart chkconfig apache2 on ==== Configuring Tomcat and the NAV servlets ==== We configure Tomcat to only listen to the local interface, and the NAV servlets nee d to be symlinked in to the webapps directory. Edited ''/etc/tomcat/base/server.xml'' so the following was present: NAV's servlets are then symlinked: cd /usr/share/tomcat/webapps ln -s /usr/local/nav/apache/webapps/*.war . Next, symlink the .jar files as well: cd /usr/share/tomcat/shared/lib ln -s /usr/local/nav/lib/java/*.jar . Restart Tomcat and configure it to automatically start when the server is restarted: /etc/init.d/tomcat restart chkconfig tomcat on ==== Installing Cricket ==== '''Please note that this part is not yet complete and needs to be revised to make sure that server statistics are collected.''' The user navcron was created by the RPM package, and should have had its HOME set to ''/usr/local/nav''. The NAV integration of Cricket will have it running as the user **navcron** and not **cricket**, as the documentation of Cricket would normally suggest. Run: chgrp nav /usr/local/nav chmod g+sw /usr/local/nav wget http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/cricket/cricket-1.0.3.tar.gz su navcron mkdir ~/cricket cp cricket-1.0.3.tar.gz ~/cricket/ cd ~/cricket tar xvzf cricket-1.0.3.tar.gz ln -s cricket-1.0.3 cricket cd cricket sh configure cp cricket-conf.pl.sample cricket-conf.pl Edit cricket-config.pl so that it contains the following lines: package Common::global; $gCricketHome = "/usr/local/nav/cricket"; $gInstallRoot = "$gCricketHome/cricket"; $gConfigRoot = "$gCricketHome/cricket-config"; $gDbAccess = "slurp"; # Slurp the database into memory Then we create directories for the configuration- and data trees of Cricket, and for the web cgi script: cd ~/cricket mkdir public_html cd public_html ln -s ../cricket/images ln -s ../cricket/grapher.cgi ln -s ../cricket/lib ln -s ../cricket/mini-graph.cgi ln -s ../cricket/VERSION ln -s grapher.cgi index.cgi cp /usr/local/nav/doc/cricket/public_html/cricket.css . mkdir ../cricket-data ln -s ../cricket-data cp -r /usr/local/nav/doc/cricket/cricket-config .. ln -s ../cricket-config cd ~/cricket/cricket cp /usr/local/nav/doc/cricket/cricket/* . Finally, you may initialize the Cricket configuration (event though no IP devices have been registered in NAV yet): cd ~ cricket/cricket/compile bin/makecricketconfig.pl exit For Cricket to be visible on the web, do the following Apache configuration steps as **root**: cd /usr/local/nav/apache/webroot ln -s ~navcron/cricket/public_html cricket cd cricket echo "SetHandler none" > .htaccess This will tell Apache **not** to use the mod_python handler in this directory. ==== Configuring NAV ==== NAV's configuration files are in ''/usr/local/nav/etc''. We've already made some changes to ''''db.conf'''' to make sure NAV can connect to PostgreSQL. Now we need to adjust some essential values of ''nav.conf'' and ''webfront/webfront.conf'' before we are ready for launch. ==== nav.conf ==== Except for the comments, this is the short version of what needs to be set: ADMIN_MAIL = DOMAIN_SUFFIX = AUTO_CREATE_DEVICE = yes NAVROOT=/usr/local/nav JAVA_HOME = /usr/lib/java ==== webfront/webfront.conf ==== If you would like NAVs web interface to use LDAP authentication, you can set this up here. Also, many users prefer longer session timeouts, which can also be configured here. ==== Patches ==== In order to get Alertprofiles to work properly you need to patch forgetSQL with the patch found in contribs in the NAV-source. If you forget this, the alertprofiles webinterface will randomly hang because of a deadlock in the database.