====== NAV Virtual Appliances ===== We've built virtual appliances in OVF format for those who want to get quickly started with NAV. Most popular virtualization environments can import this appliance (Though you may need to use VMWare's OVFTool to import it properly into VMWare). The appliances are usually built on 64-bit stable versions of Debian GNU/Linux, with NAV installed from the packages available at our APT repository (see [[nav_on_debian]]). This also means that NAV is easily upgradeable using Debian's //aptitude// or //apt-get// tools. ===== Download ===== [[https://nav.uninett.no/static/appliance|NAV virtual appliance downloads]] Stable releases are found in the //stable// directory, beta testing releases in the //beta// directory. Kinda obvious, isn't it? ;-) ===== What the local admin needs to do after starting the appliance ===== * log in as 'root' and change the root password from ''navrocks'' to something else (using passwd) * add a decent email-address to forward root's email to in ///etc/aliases// * fix the network-configuration (/etc/network/interfaces) and restart network with **/etc/init.d/network restart** * add networks that shall be allowed to talk to the appliance in ///etc/hosts.allow// (both clients to the NAV webinterface and network equipment that send SNMP traps) * also fix hostname/domainname in the following files: ///etc/hosts//, ///etc/resolv.conf//, ///etc/mailname// and ///etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf// ===== Links ===== * OVF - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Virtual_Machine_Format]] * VMWare OVFTool - [[http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/ovf/]] * NAV - [[https://nav.uninett.no/]] * Debian GNU/Linux - [[http://www.debian.org/]] * NAV virtual appliance source code: [[https://github.com/Uninett/navappliance]]