====== Welcome to the NAV wiki! ===== This Wiki contains information about the open source NMS Network Administration Visualized. For the latest official documentation, please see https://nav.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ . Some of the older documentation may still be in the process of being moved from the Wiki to the official documentation. ===== The NAV tools ===== NAV includes 20 tools, all reachable from the [[navconfiguration#using_nav|NAV toolbox]]: [[StatusTool|{{tools:status.png|the Status Tool}}]] [[NetworkExplorer|{{tools:network-explorer.png|the Network Explorer}}]] [[netmap|{{tools:vlanplot.png|Netmap}}]] [[geomap|{{tools:geomap.png|Geomap}}]] [[ReportTool|{{tools:report.png|the Report Tool}}]] [[IPDeviceInfo|{{:tools:ipdevinfo.png|the IP Device Info tool}}]] [[SortedStats|{{tools:stats.png|Statistics}}]] [[MachineTracker|{{tools:machinetracker.png|the Machine Tracker}}]] [[macwatch|{{tools:macwatch.png|Mac Watch}}]] [[Layer2Trace|{{tools:l2trace.png|Layer 2 Traceroute }}]] [[SyslogAnalyzer|{{tools:syslog-analyzer.png|the Syslog Analyzer}}]] [[arnold|{{tools:arnold.png|Arnold - the port blocker}}]] [[SeedEssentials|{{tools:editdb.png|Seed the database}}]] [[MessagesTool|{{tools:messages.png|Messages}}]] [[AlertProfiles|{{tools:alertprofiles.png|Alert Profiles}}]] [[MaintenanceTasks|{{tools:maintenance.png|Maintenance}}]] [[ThresholdManager|{{:threshold.png|Threshold Manager}}]] [[UserAdminPanel|{{tools:useradmin.png|User Administration}}]] [[Radius|{{:tools:radius.png|the Radius accounting tool}}]] [[DeviceManagement|{{tools:devman.png|Device History}}]] ===== Overview of NAV ===== {{ :screenshot:geomap_trd.png?400|NAV's Geomap tool}} * [[NAVFeatures|Features at a glance]] * [[NAVScreenShots|Screenshots]] * [[NAVFAQ|FAQ]] * [[NAVUsers|Who's using NAV?]] ===== Download and Use NAV ===== * [[navdownload|Download]] * [[Gettingstarted|Getting Started]] * [[NAVConfiguration|Use NAV]] * [[https://nav.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Documentation]] * [[NAVTechDoc|Technical documentation]] ===== Roadmap and Development ===== * Future [[plans]] and historic release information. * [[devel:Devel]] is the starting point for all things related to NAV development. * Read our [[http://blog.nav.uninett.no/|NAV Blog]] to find out what we're up to. ===== Getting help ===== {{ :screenshot:netmap.png?400|NAV's netmap tool}} * Subscribe to our [[MailingLists|mailinglists]]... * ...or ask a question in our [[https://github.com/Uninett/nav/discussions/categories/q-a|GitHub discussion forums]] * ...or post a [[https://github.com/Uninett/nav/issues/new/choose|bug]] to our tracker at [[https://github.comf/Uninett/nav/issues/|GitHub]]. ===== NAV history ===== * The [[HistoryOfNAV|history and evolution ]] of NAV * Reports from [[NAVProjects|NAV development projects]] (the early days, 2001-2004) ====== About this Wiki ====== This wiki is the documentation home for NAV. Being a wiki - anyone can contribute. The wiki will not allow anonymous edits - you need to register first (Click //Login// at the bottom of this page, then //Register//). If you are new to wikis, take a look at the [[wiki:syntax]] for jumpstart. ====== Show us your appreciation ====== We would like to continue improving NAV. So would you, right?! If you find NAV useful - please - keep our spirits up and send us a [[postcard]]!