Avstemning etter nav-ref 9. april 2013

I tillegg til de oppgaver som allerede lå på arbeidslisten før møtet, tilkom det en del nye som ble referatført fra møtet den 9. april.

Hvert nav-ref-medlem kan lage en prioritetsliste på 7 saker. I rekkefølgen høyeste til laveste prioritet deler du ut poengene: 10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 og 1.

Vi summerer poengene i siste kolonne og sorterer tabellen etter dette.

Frist for poenggivning gikk ut mandag 3. juni klokka 16:00


Launchpad ID Title NTNU UiT HiVolda UiA UiO Sum
LP#1061523 Feature request: Modify front page 1 1 1 3
LP#1062146 Subcategories should be simplified into a group or tag concept 7 10 4 21
LP#1062152 User-defined attributes on room and organization entries organizational
LP#1062175 Prefix discovery timestamp
LP#1062177 Collect and present aggregated link info (portchannel/etherchannel etc.) 10 3 10 23
LP#1062203 ipdevpoll job configuration description 2 2
LP#1063699 Dual stack monitoring
LP#1063703 The status page is becoming cluttered and should be redesigned 4 7 11
LP#1169154 Transceivers should have their own class instead of counting as modules 3 7 3 13
LP#1169166 Community strings should be censored in the SeedDB netbox listing 7 7
LP#1169179 Database of room pictures 5 2 7
LP#1169527 Detect topology of unrouted VLANs 4 10 5 19
LP#1169532 Script to filter NAV database dumps 1 1
LP#1169550 Model virtual stacks to enable alerts on stack degradation 2 5 10 7 24
LP#1169553 Collect traffic statistics for physical ports and merge with switch-ports and router-interfaces in Cricket to a common ports tree 5 5 4 14
LP#1169557 Room and Organization opt fields should be replaced with a arbitrary variable=value scheme 1 1
LP#1169559 Print button for Netmap 3 3 2 8
LP#1169562 Collect power statistics from APC equipment 2 4 6