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Back-end processes in NAV

NAV has a number of back-end processes. This document gives an overview, listing key information and detailed description for each process. We also give references to documentation found elsewhere on metaNAV.

The following figure complements this document.

The NAV processes

:!: The shell command nav list lists all back-end processes. nav status tells you if they are running as they should. With reference to the nav list, jump directly to the relevant section in this document:

nav list gives you this list:

Building the network model


Key information

Process name getDeviceData
Alias gDD
Polls network Yes
Brief description Collects SNMP data from equipment in the netbox table and stores data regarding the equipment in a number of tables. Does not build topology.
Depends upon Seed data must be filled in the netbox table, either by the Edit Database tool or by the autodiscovery contrib
Updates tables netbox, netboxsnmpoid, netboxinfo, device, module, gwport, gwportprefix, prefix, vlan, swport, swportallowedvlan, netbox_vtpvlan
Run mode Daemon process. Thread based.
Default scheduling Initial data collection for new netboxes is done every 5 minutes. Update polls on existing netboxes is done every 6 hrs. Collection of certain OIDs for the netbox may deviate from this interval; i.e. the moduleMon OID is polled every hour.
Config file getDeviceData.conf
Log files getDeviceData.log og getDeviceData/getDeviceData-stderr.log
Programming language Java
Lines of code Approx 8200
Further doc tigaNAV report chapter 5


  • Initial OID classification

When gDD detects a new box that has a valid snmp read community (regardless of category), he will start initial OID classifiation. This is done by testing the netbox against all OIDs in the snmpoid table and in turn populating the netboxsnmpoid table. Testing is done based on attributes in snmpoid table, see reference to further doc for details. Frequency will be set based on the snmpoid.defaultfreq.

  • Plugin-based architecture

gDD has a plugin based architecture. Plugins fall into two types; device plugins and data plugins.

  • Device plugins collects data with SNMP. Each device plugin is geared towards a particular type of equipment, supporting a particular subset of OIDs. See further doc for details.
  • Data plugins updates NAVdb with data fed from the device plugins. A particular data plugin is responsible for a particular table (or set of tables) in the database. See further doc for details.
  • Module monitor
  • The module monitor is a data plugin within gDD. It has the dedicated function of detecting outage of modules in operating netboxes. When a module is detected down a moduleDown event is posted on the event queue (eventq).

IP-to-mac collector / iptrace / arplogger

Key information

Process name iptrace
Alias arplogger
Polls network Yes
Brief description Collects arp data from routers and stores this information in the arp table.
Depends upon The routers (GW / GSW) must be in the netbox table. To assign prefixes to arp entries, gDD must have done router data collection.
Updates tables arp
Run mode cron
Default scheduling every 30 minutes (0,30 * * * *). No threads
Config file pping.conf
Log file pping.log
Programming language Perl
Lines of code Approx 130 lines
Further doc NAVMe report ch 4.5.8 (Norwegian)


  • The arplogger understands proxy arp and will not store arp entries that are “false”.
  • The command line tool offers a means of deleting old arp (and cam) entries.

Mac-to-switch port collector / mactrace / getBoksMacs / cam logger

Key information

Process name mactrace
Alias getBoksMacs / cam logger
Polls network Yes
Brief description Collects mac addresses behind switch table data for all switches (cat GSW, SW, EDGE). The process also checks for spanning tree blocked ports.
Depends upon gDD must have completed the swport tables for the switches.
Updates tables cam (mac adresses), netboxinfo (CDP neighbors), swp_netbox (the candidate list for the physical topology builder), swportblocked (switch ports that are blocked by spannning for a given vlan).
Run mode cron
Default scheduling every 15 minutes ( 11,26,41,56 * * * * ). 24 threads as default
Config file getBoksMacs.conf
Log file getBoksMacs.log
Programming language Java
Lines of code Approx 1400
Further doc NAVMore report ch 2.1 (Norwegian), tigaNAV report ch 5.4.5 and ch 5.5.3


  • cam data is not collected from ports that are connecting to other switches (as determined by the physical topology builder). Typically the cam records are stored initually before the topology is built. When topology information is in place the end time in the relevant cam records are set.
  • The command line tool offers a means of deleting old cam (and arp) entries.

Physical Topology Builder / networkDiscovery_topology

Key information

Process name topology
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description Builds the physical topology of the network; i.e. which netbox is connected to which netbox.
Depends upon mactrace fills data in swp_netbox representing the candidate list of physical neighborship. This is the data that the physical topology builder uses.
Updates tables Sets the to_netboxid and to_swportid fields in the swport and gwport tables.
Run mode cron
Default scheduling every hour (35 * * * *)
Config file None
Log file networkDiscovery/networkDiscovery-topology.html og networkDiscovery/networkDiscovery-stderr.log
Programming language Java
Lines of code Approx 1500 (shared with vlan topology builder)
Further doc tigaNAV report ch 5.5.4


  • see the tigaNAV report as referenced for details.

Vlan Topology Builder / networkDiscovery_vlan

Key information

Process name vlan
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description Builds the per vlan topology on the swithed network with interconnected trunks. The algorithm is a top-down depth-first traversel starting at the primary router port for the vlan.
Depends upon The physical topology need to be in place, this process therefore supersedes the physical topology builder.
Updates tables swportvlan
Run mode cron
Default scheduling every hour (38 * * * *)
Config file None
Log file networkDiscovery/networkDiscovery-vlan.html og networkDiscovery/networkDiscovery-stderr.log
Programming language Java
Lines of code See the physical topology builder above
Further doc tigaNAV report ch 5.5.5


  • see the tigaNAV report as referenced for details

Monitoring the network

The status monitor / pping

Key information

Process name pping
Alias parallell pinger
Polls network Yes
Brief description Pings all boxes in the netbox table. Works effectively in parallel, being able to ping a large number of boxes. Has configurable robustnes criteria for defining when a box actually is down.
Depends upon Netboxes to be in the netbox table.
Updates tables Posts events on the eventq table. Sets the netbox.up value in addition.
Run mode daemon
Default scheduling Pings all hosts every 20 second. Waits maximum 5 second for an answer. After 4 “no-answers” the box is declared down as seen from pping.
Config file pping.conf
Log file pping.log
Programming language Python
Lines of code Approx 4200, shared with servicemon
Further doc NAVMore report ch 3.4 (Norwegian)


  • see the NAVMore report as referenced for details

The service monitor / servicemon

Key information

Process name servicemon
Alias -
Polls network Yes
Brief description Monitors services on netboxes. Uses implemented handlers to deal with a growing number of services; currently supporting ssh, http, imap, pop3, smtp, samba, rpc, dns and dc.
Depends upon The service and serviceproperty tables must have data. This is filled in by Edit Database when the NAV administrator registers services that he wants to monitor.
Updates tables Posts servicemon events on the eventq table.
Run mode daemon
Default scheduling Checks each service every 60 second. Has varying timouts for different services, between 5 and 10 seconds. If a service does not respond three times in a row, servicemon declares it down.
Config file servicemon.conf
Log file servicemon.log
Programming language Python
Lines of code See pping above, shared code base
Further doc NAVMore report ch 3.5 (Norwegian)


  • see the NAVMore report as referenced for details

The threshold monitor / thresholdMon

Key information

Process name thresholdMon
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description At run-time, it fetches all the thresholds in the RRD database and compares them to the datasource in the corresponding RRD file. If the threshold has been exceeded, it sends an event containing relevant information. The default threshold value is 90% of maximum.
Depends upon The RRD database has to be filled with data. This is done by makeCricketconfig. In addition you must manually run a command line tool,, for setting the threshold to a configured level. A more advanced solution for setting different threshold is under development.
Updates tables eventq with thresholdmon events
Run mode cron
Default scheduling every 5 minutes ( */5 * * * * )
Config file fillthresholds.conf
Log file thresholdMon.log
Programming language Python
Lines of code Approx 400
Further doc See ThresholdMonitor


The module monitor / moduleMon

Key information

Process name getDeviceData data plugin modulemon
Alias modulemon
Polls network Yes
Brief description A plugin to gDD. A dedicated OID is polled. If this is a HP switch, a specific HP OID is used (oidkey hpStackStatsMemberOperStatus), similarly for 3Com (oidkey 3cIfMauType). For other equipment the genereric moduleMon OID is used. For 3com and HP the OID actually tells us if a module is down or not. For the generic test we (in lack of something better) check if an arbitrary ifindex on the module in question responds. If the module has no ports, no check is done.
Depends upon The switch or router to be processed by gDD with apropriate data in module and gwport/swport.
Updates tables posts moduleMon events on the eventq. Sets in addition the boolean module.up value.
Run mode daemon, a part of gDD.
Default scheduling Depends on the defaultfreq of the moduleMon OID (equivalently for the HP and 3com OIDs) Defaults to 1 hour.
Config file see gDD
Log file see gDD
Programming language Java
Lines of code Part of gDD, see gDD.
Further doc Not much.

The event and alert system

The event engine / eventEngine

Key information

Process name eventEngine
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description The event engine processes events on the event queue and posts alerts on the alert queue. Event engine has a mechanism to correlate events; i.e. if the ppinger posts up events right after down events, this will not be sent as boxDown alerts, only boxDown warnings. Further if a number of boxDown events are seen, event engine looks at topology and reports boxShadow events for boxes in shadow of the box being the root cause.
Depends upon The various monitors need to post events no event queue (with target event engine) in order for event engine to have work. alertmsg.conf needs to be filled in for all events, messages on alertqmsg (and alerthistmsg) are formatted accordingly.
Updates tables Deletes records from eventq as they are processed. Posts records on alertq with adhering alertqvar and alertqmsg, similarly alerthist with adhering alerthistvar and alerthistmsg.
Run mode daemon
Default scheduling Event engine checks the eventq every ??? seconds. boxDown-warning-wait-time and boxDown-wait-time are configurable values. Parameters for module events are also configurable. Servicemon eventes are currently not; a solution is looked upon.
Config file eventEngine.conf
Log file eventEngine.log
Programming language Java
Lines of code Approx 3000 lines
Further doc NAVMore report ch 3.6 (Norwegian). Updates in tigaNAV report ch 4.3.1.


  • eventEngine is plugin based with two classes of plugins; one for eventtypes and one for physical devices. Further details in the referenced documentation.

The maintenance engine / maintengine

Key information

Process name maintengine
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description Checks the defines maintenance schedules. If start or end of a maintenance period occurs at this run time, the relevant maintenanceEvents are posted on the eventq, one for each netbox/module and/or service in question.
Depends upon NAV users must set up maintenance schedule which in turn is stored in the maintenance tables (emotd, maintenance, emotd_related).
Updates tables Posts maintenance events on the eventq. Also updates the maintenance.state.
Run mode cron
Default scheduling Every 5 minutes ( */5 * * * * )
Config file None
Log file maintengine.log
Programming language Python
Lines of code Approx 300
Further doc tigaNAV report ch 8.


  • See referenced doc.

The alert engine / alertEngine

Key information

Process name alertEngine
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description Alert engine processes alerts on the alert queue and checks whether any users have subscribed to the alert in their active user profile. If so, alert engine sends the alert to the user, either as email or sms, depending on the profile. Alert Engine sends email itself, whereas sms messages are inserted on the sms queue for the sms daemon to manage. If a user has selected queueing email messages, alert engine uses the alertprofiles.queue table.
Depends upon eventEngine must be running and do the alertq posting. NAV users must have set up their profiles, if their are no matches here, alertq will simply delete the alerts.
Updates tables Deletes records from alertq with adhering alertqvar and alertqmsg. Inserts records on alertprofiles.smsq. User profiles that requires queued email messages, the alertprofile.queue table is used.
Run mode daemon
Default scheduling Checks for new alerts every 60 seconds per default.
Config file alertengine.cfg
Log file alertengine.log og alertengine.err.log
Programming language perl
Lines of code Approx 1900
Further doc NAVMore report ch 3.7 and 3.8 (Norwegian).


  • See the referenced doc.

The SMS daemon / smsd

Key information

Process name smsd
Alias SMS daemon
Polls network No
Brief description Checks the sms queue for new messages, formats the messages into one SMS and dispatches it via one or more dispatchers with a general interface. Support for multiple dispatchers are handled by a dispatcher handler layer.
Depends upon alertEngine fills the smsq
Updates tables Updates the sent and timesent values of navprofiles.smsq
Run mode Daemon process
Default scheduling Polls the sms queue every x minutes
Config file smsd.conf
Log file smsd.log
Programming language Python in NAV 3.2 (perl in 3.1)
Lines of code In NAV 3.2: approx 1200
Further doc -

The snmptrapd

Key information

Process name snmptrapd
Alias SNMP trapd daemon
Polls network No
Brief description Listens to port 162 for incoming traps. When the snmptrapd receives a trap it puts all the information in a trap-object and sends the object to every traphandler stated in the “traphandlers” option in snmptrapd.conf. It is then up to the traphandler to decide if it wants to process the trap or just discard it.
Depends upon
Updates tables Depends on “traphandlers”. Posts on eventq would be typical
Run mode Daemon process
Default scheduling
Config file snmptrapd.conf
Log file snmptrapd.log and snmptraps.log
Programming language Python
Lines of code ?
Further doc -

Collecting statistics

The Cricket configuration builder / makecricketConfig

Key information

Process name makecricketconfig
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description
Depends upon That gDD has filled the gwport, swport tables (and more…)
Updates tables The RRD database (rrd_file and rrd_datasource)
Run mode cron
Default scheduling Every night( 12 5 * * * )
Config file None
Log file cricket-changelog
Programming language perl
Lines of code Approx 1600
Further doc How to configure Cricket addons in NAV v3

The Cricket collector (not NAV)

Key information

Process name collect-subtrees
Alias cricket collector (not NAV)
Polls network Yes
Brief description Polls routers and switches for counters as configured in the cricket configuration tree.
Depends upon makecricketconfig to build the configuration tree
Updates tables Updates RRD files
Run mode cron
Default scheduling In NAV 3.1 two separate run modes operate; gigabit ports are polled every minute, the rest every 5 minutes.
Config files directory tree under cricket-config/
Log file cricket/giga.log og cricket/normal.log
Programming language not relevant
Lines of code not relevant
Further doc not relevant

RRD cleanup script / cleanrrds

Key information

Process name cleanrrds
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description This script finds all the rrd-files that we are using. The purpose of the script is to delete all the rrd-files that are no longer active, to save disk-space.
Depends upon -
Updates tables -
Run mode cron
Default scheduling nightly ( 0 5 * * * )
Config file ?
Log file ?
Programming language Perl
Lines of code Approx 200
Further doc -


  • if a rrd-file is found and is in the RRD database, leave it alone.
  • if a rrd-file is found that is not in the database, check the last update-time. If the time for last update is less than 2 weeks ago, leave it alone. Otherwise delete the file.

Other systems

The Cisco syslog analyzer / logengine

Key information

Process name logengine
Alias -
Polls network No
Brief description Analyzes cisco syslog messages from switches and routers and inserts them in a structured manner in the logger database. Makes searchein for log messages of a certain severity easy, etc.
Depends upon syslogd to run on the NAV machine. Parses the syslog for cisco syslog messages.
Updates tables The tables in the logger database
Run mode cron
Default scheduling every minute ( * * * * * )
Config file logger.conf
Log file None
Programming language Python
Lines of code Approx 350
Further doc NAVMore report ch 2.4 (Norwegian).


  • see referenced doc. Note that this system at one time was intended for NAVs own logs. This idea was aborted at a later stage.


Key information

Process name
Polls network
Brief description
Depends upon
Updates tables
Run mode
Config file arnold/arnold.cfg, arnold/noblock.cfg og arnold/mailtemplates/*
Log file arnold/arnold.log
Default scheduling
Programming language
Lines of code
Further doc Arnold
backendprocesses.1191530420.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/10/04 20:40 by faltin