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Command line tools

NAV has some useful command lines tools. We document some of them here

Machine tracker data, i.e. ARP and CAM data, are never deleted from NAV. To delete old data run It behaves as the help option explains:

% ./ -h
Delete old arp and cam records from the NAV database.
Usage: [options...]
Unless options are given, the number of expired ARP/CAM records will
be printed.  The default expiry limit is 6 months.  To actually delete
the expired records, add the -f option.
Available options are:
  -h, --help    -- Show this help screen.
  -q            -- Be quiet.
  -f            -- Force deletion of expired records.
  -e <date>     -- Set a different expiry date (default is 6 months
                   ago) on ISO format.
  -E <interval> -- Set a different expiry date using PostgreSQL
                   interval syntax.  E.g.: '30 days', '4 weeks', '6
commandlinetools.1191244610.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/10/01 13:16 by faltin