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Task list: Low priority

This document presents a list of new features we are considering from NAV 3.3 or later. The tasks on this list have a low priority status. See TaskList for task that have higher priority.

TL1: Compact toolbox view / icon usage / preferences / home page

Assigned to Unassigned
Estimated time 40 hrs
Start date
Due for ?
  • An alternative toolbox view should only show the icons, not the text banner. The description can appear as popups. Maybe users should be allowed to alter their personal order of the toolbox icons (may also be solved with the quicklink option of today)?
  • The icons used on the toolbox should be used on the NAV header along with a H2 title as a header inside the various tools.
  • Improve preferences. It should default to list all tools so that the NAV user easily can compose his quicklinks.
  • On the home page; the preference tab should be on the right side. The left sidebar of the main page may be dropped? Possible toolbox should be a dropdown like quicklink?

TL2: Enhance the user admin tool

Assigned to Unassigned
Estimated time 80 hrs
Start date
Due for NAV 3.3 or later

The user admin tool has a rough and temporary look and feel. Enhance this with a nicer look.

TL3: Improved threshold setting

Assigned to John Magne Bredal
Estimated time 30 hrs
Start date
Due for NAV 3.3
  • Improve the command line script for setting thresholds. The script should take parameters, making it more fine tuned. Details on the parameters it should take … will come here…

TL4: Implement machine tracker authorization

Assigned to Unassigned
Estimated time 80 hrs
Start date
Due for ?
  • Implement authorization for the machine tracker so that a given NAV user only can do searches for IP-ranges within his organizational unit(s).

TL5: Integrate mactrace and iptrace in gdd

Assigned to Morten Brekkevold
Estimated time 160 hrs
Start date
Due for NAV 3.3

TL6 EditDB - services

  • Make it easier to add new services. From IP device center follow the 'Edit' link to edit netbox,

from there provide a link to edit/add new services.

TL7: Implement a tool that shows the status of the NAV background processes

Assigned to Unassigned
Estimated time 40 hrs
Start date
Due for ?
  • It would be neat to have a web tool that shows the status of the NAV background processes; i.e. 'nav status' on web.
  • More important; implement a background monitor that sends email to NAV admin when a given NAV process unintentially stops. Note that serveral NAV admins already have implemented a solution here. Probably something to steal out there…

TL8: Replace Cricket

Assigned to John Magne Bredal
Estimated time 160 hrs
Start date
Due for ?

Cricket is a resource hog and does not scale well to large networks. Therefore:

  • Perhaps Stager can replace Cricket? Consider Stager as an alternative and look possibilities for integration.
  • Alternatively look into an addition to gDD where thread based statistics collection is done. As today, data should be stored in RRD. The concept of the RRD database is not altered.

TL9: NAV of NAVs

There are no currently no plans for this task, but the idea is anyway:

  • A lookup service of some kind will give a mechanism to locate NAV installations at different domains.
  • An AA based system to do NAV of NAV queries. Particularly interesting is an inter-domain machine tracker. Thus a way to track inter-domain movements of machines in a central user interface. May also be used for inter-domain mac address searches that may be used for such things as (with a share of luck) locating missing/stolen computers, etc.


  • Create a user interface policy describing look-n-feel, navigation etc.
  • Generalize user interface widgets like tabs etc.
  • Use page.title in all templates to get describing <title>s on all pages.
  • Create a SVG version of the 'Syslog Analyzer' icon.
  • Add icons to the main header in all subsystems.
  • Move all python libraries to a common location, so 'make webfix' no longer needs to be used.
  • Rename all .htaccess files to htaccess so they are not hidden in the source repository, and change Makefiles etc in accordance.
devel/tasklistlowpri.1181568787.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/06/11 13:33 by jodal