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Old Getting Started

:!: This is the old document, that i out of date. Kept so we can import what's useful to the new document.

FIXME This information is outdated

Getting started with NAV 3.0
(This guide assumes NAV is installed in /usr/local/nav)

NAV 3.0 assumes a simpler directory structure than previous NAV
versions.  Below /usr/local/nav/ you will find the following

======= ======================================================================
apache/ Web related content/programs.
bin/    Executable programs.
doc/    Documentation.
etc/    Configuration files.
var/    Local data created by NAV programs, such as logs and other data files.
======= ======================================================================

In addition to this document, we advise you to take a look at the
project reports of NAVMore and tigaNAV, which explains much of the
functionality implemented in NAV 3.0.

Creating users and groups
Unless you have installed NAV through some automated system which
creates necessary users and groups (such as RPM), you need to create
the the group "nav" and user "navcron".  The navcron user should have
nav as its default group, its home directory set to /usr/local/nav,
and should be allowed to execute cron jobs.  Other than that, the user
needs no special privileges.  It is used to run unprivileged NAV
processes, and will normally not even login password (i.e. needs no
password set).

Initializing the NAV databases
When you have installed NAV 3.0 for the first time, you need to
initialize the NAV database.  The directory /usr/local/nav/doc/sql/
contains the SQL scripts necessary to initialize the PostgreSQL
databases used by NAV, and a README file explaining how.

Please note that beforehand, you should configure your PostgreSQL to
accept tcp/ip connections ($PGDATA/postgresql.conf), set a password
for the postgres superuser and configure your pg_hba.conf to only
accept md5 authentication (not trust, and not ident).  Please refer to
the PostgreSQL documentation for this.

After initializing, you should again connect to PostgreSQL as the
postgres superuser, and choose passwords for the two nav users you
created (navread and navwrite), using "ALTER USER ... WITH PASSWORD
'...'".  Then you need to configure NAV to use these passwords when
connecting to PostgreSQL.  This is done in the config file
/usr/local/nav/etc/db.conf, by changing the directives
"userpw_navread" and "userpw_navwrite".

Configuring Apache
Example Apache configuration has been provided elsewhere.  Please
don't forget that if you run Apache 1.3, your /etc/init.d/httpd should
set (and export) the environment variable PYTHONHOME to contain the
path to your non-threaded edition of Python.

Some tips if you wish to configure Apache from scratch:

- You need both mod_php4 and mod_python, and we strongly recommend
- Your document root should be /usr/local/nav/apache/webroot/.
- .htaccess files below that directory should be allowed to override
  everything from the Apache configuration.
- We strongly recommend that you force all users to access the NAV web
  interface through https instead of plain http, otherwise everything
  is sent to and from the web server unencrypted (including
  passwords).  You can accomplish this by using a RewriteRule to have
  your web server redirect all http requests to https urls.

Configuring Tomcat
NAV comes with two Java servlets, Network Explorer and vlanPlot (the
interactive traffic map).  The Tomcat servlet engine is the
recommended container for these servlets.  A Python module will
forward Apache requests to these to servlets directly to a Tomcat
server running on the local host.

You need to install and configure Tomcat on your NAV host, and make
sure the two servlets (.war files) are in its webapps directory.
The Python forwarding module will expect to find the Tomcat server
listening on port 8080 (which is the Tomcat configuration default).

Also, these servlets may use large amounts of memory while processing
some requests (especially if your port count is high, such as it is at
NTNU); therefore it is recommended to increase the amount of memory
available to the Java Virtual Machine running the Tomcat server.  The
Sun JVM usually reserves a maxium of 64MB for a Java program, but this
can be changed using the -Xmx<size> option of java.  This can be
passed through to the JVM when starting Tomcat, e.g.::

  JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx128M" ./

This should start Tomcat with a maximum heap memory size of 128MB.

Integrating Cricket with NAV
This section assumes your cricket installation has been placed in
/usr/local/nav/cricket/, with the cricket executables in
/usr/local/nav/cricket/cricket/ (approximately as we all know from
"Installing Cricket for the Complete Beginner" at, only that
the prefix is different).

More detailed instructions for integrating Cricket with NAV can be
found in /usr/local/nav/doc/cricket/README (with example files in the
same directory)

To integrate your Cricket installation's public_html directory with
the NAV web interface, to the following as root:

cd /usr/local/nav/apache/webroot
ln -s /usr/local/nav/cricket/public_html cricket
echo "SetHandler none" > cricket/.htaccess

NAV's toolbox comes ready with the "Statistics" tool, which sends you
to the /cricket/ url.

Configuring your environment
Most NAV 3.0 programs rely on finding NAV libraries effortlessly.
This means that certain environment variables should be set before NAV
programs are invoked (this also means they need to be set before
Apache starts).  More specifically, the variables CLASSPATH, PERL5LIB
and PYTHONPATH need to be set.  Also, your java executable should be
found on your PATH, or at least in $JAVA_HOME/bin .

A shell script has been provided to set these environment variables
correctly,  This script needs to be sourced into your
environment, preferrably at an early stage of your boot process,
and/or at every user login.

At NTNU, the script is sourced into the enviroment in two places.  The
script has been placed in /etc/profile.d/.  Every script here is
sourced into the enviroment when a user logs in to a RedHat 9 system
(though it seems root bypasses this).  The same script is also sourced
directly into the /etc/init.d/httpd script, by adding "source
/etc/profile.d/" very near the beginning of the script.

Configuring NAV
All configuration files are located below /usr/local/nav/etc/.
Default configuration files are placed here on your first install.
Most of these are self-documenting, so mostly you just need to read
through the files to configure NAV to your needs.

As a minimum the following should be configured:


  In db.conf set:


  In nav.conf set:
    DOMAIN_SUFFIX = .<your domain>

Starting daemons and cron jobs
Starting and stopping NAV daemons and cron jobs is pretty much the
same as in NAV v2.  Running "/usr/local/nav/bin/nav start" should
pretty much start everything.

Logging in to the web interface
When you first direct your browser to the NAV page served by your
Apache, you are unauthenticated and will have the access privileges of
an anonymous user.

You may log in to the web interface as the user "admin", using "admin"
as your password.  It is of course extremely recommended that you
immediately change this password to something harder to guess.

The user "admin" is a member of the group "NAV Administrators", and
will therefore have access to absolutely everything in the web

Managing accounts, groups and privileges in the web interface
All this is accomplished through the Useradmin panel, which should be
linked from the navigation bar of the admin user.  The Useradmin panel
is still somewhat lacking in good looks and usability, but it works.

Seeding your database
Seeding the database is no longer a process of maintaining text files
containg information on your network equipment.  All seeding of the
database is now done through the web interface, using the editdb tool,
which operates directly on the contents of the NAVdb. Open the web
interface toolbox and select editdb.

Fortunately for you, editdb has the ability to bulk import data from
text files that are mostly the same format as the old seed text files
of NAV v2.

Tips for bulk importing:

- Due to dependencies within the database, it is recommended that you
  bulk import the seed files in the following order: Locations, Rooms,
  Vendors, Types, Organizations, User categories, Boxes, Services.
  The format of each bulk import type is documented in the bulk import
  forms of editdb.

- When bulk importing boxes, it is a good idea to split the seed files
  into smaller pieces.  Bulk importing triggers a burst of SNMP
  queries, and if you are importing a large amount of boxes, your web
  browser may time out waiting for the web server's reply.

- Some vendors and types are already defined in the initial
  database. Before importing these, you can check which ones exist by
  looking at /editdb/vendor/list and /editdb/type/list

- If you are trying to import a nested organizational structure, it
  may be neccesary to import the organization file several times.

- Note that NAVv3 supports only these categories:
  GSW,GW,SW,EDGE,WLAN,SRV,OTHER.  Equipment of all categories, except
  SRV and OTHER, is required to respond to SNMP queries, or it will
  not be allowed into the database.

- Subcategories can be defined for all main categories.
oldgettingstarted.1548672586.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/01/28 10:49 by morten