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reporttool [2011/04/03 17:26]
faltin [IP address scope - graphical view]
reporttool [2011/04/03 17:28] (current)
faltin [Reports]
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    * To navigate back to the report home page, use the "​current path" provided below the NAV bar.    * To navigate back to the report home page, use the "​current path" provided below the NAV bar.
-   * The search bars on top are shortcuts ​to interesting reports. The room searc lets you go directly to a room of interest. You may also search for a particular port name, or you may dive directly into the IP device center of a device in interest.+   * The search bars on top are short-cuts ​to interesting reports. The room search ​lets you go directly to a room of interest. You may also search for a particular port name, or you may dive directly into the IP device center of a device in interest.
reporttool.1301851604.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2011/04/03 17:26 by faltin