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For a complete history of NAV, see HistoryOfNAV. The first official open source version of NAV was NAV 3.0.

Where is NAV going?

NAV has a long history and a lot of code to maintain. Our current strategy is this:

  • Let there be no doubt; our focus is on network management
  • NAV's key strength is on detecting network topology, tracking machines and visualizing the network.
  • We will focus on supporting commonly deployed network equipment.
  • Better wireless support is on our roadmap
  • Reducing complexity is important, both in terms of installing and using NAV.
  • We will stop developing (but bug fix) our service monitor. Other tools, i.e. Hobbit, do this better.
  • We will remove our (primitive) ordering system. NAV is not the right tool for this.


The table gives an overview of NAV releases so far (from 3.0) and a roadmap ahead:

Version Type Status Date Release notes Details
3.0 new features released 16 Sept 2005 release notes
3.0.1 bug fix released 28 April 2006 release notes
3.1 new features released 30 June 2006 release notes
3.1.1 bug fix released 8 November 2006 release notes
3.2 new features released 2 February 2007 release notes TaskList2006
3.2.1 bug fix released 16 February 2007 release notes
3.2.2 bug fix released 1 May 2007 release notes
3.3 new features released 1 October 2007 release notes TaskList3.3
3.3.1 bug fix released 8 November 2007 release notes
3.4 new features estimated December 2007 TaskList and TaskListLowPri

Open issues

There is also a list of OpenIssues, describing issues we are aware of but that have not necessarily been entered into the bugtracker at SourceForge yet.

User submitted feature requests

Use our feature request tracker on SourceForge to view submitted feature requests, or to submit your own.

roadmap.1194517956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/11/08 10:32 by morten