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Tasks completed for 3.4.0

Our current commit strategy for NAV 3.4 in December includes:

  1. A rewrite of todays HP virtual module hack to a general virtual module concept.
    • This will in effect open support for Cisco clustering as well
  2. General ENTITY MIB support.
    • This opens for support for chassis based HP switches.
    • Requires a change to varchar as module number.
    • Consider a self reference on module, which allow for hierarchical modules (GBICs and such)
  3. New network map (as a beta, vlanplot will still be there)

Morten's tasks

FIXME Morten: Please update your task list and move tasks completed for NAV 3.4 here.

Stein Magnus' tasks

SMJ4B: Improve the Machine Tracker continued

Assigned to Stein Magnus Jodal
Estimated time 20 hrs (<5 hours used)
Start date 2008-04-20
Status Done (in the ipdevinfo branch)
Due for NAV 3.4

The following needed further clarification at a meeting, and has not been implemented in 3.3:

  • Originally: Support search all the way to room using the cabling and patch data input from Edit DB.
    • Comment: Link historic data in the cam table with current data in the patch/cabling/room tables?!
    • Resolution:
      • (done 2008-04-20, links to ipdevinfo) Link to the port view in IP Device Center, stating clearly that the data is reflecting the current situation.
      • (done 2008-04-20, in ipdevinfo) Add patch/cabling/room information to IP Device Center port view.
  • Originally: The MAC search result should include port description. Perhaps link to report?
    • Comment: As it stands, the only port description available for retrieval is the current one. This will not be accurate for historical results, unless we make changes to the CAM table and the camlogger to add historical information about port descriptions.
    • Resolution:
      • (done 2008-04-20, links to ipdevinfo) Link to the port view in IP Device Center, stating clearly that the data is reflecting the current situation.

Changes should be merged from the ipdevinfo branch to default together with the beta version of IP Device Info before release of NAV 3.4.

John Magne's tasks

FIXME John Magne: Please update your task list and move tasks completed for NAV 3.4 here.

Jostein Gogstad's tasks

SS3: Support IPv6 in NAV

Assigned to Jostein Gogstad
Estimated time 160 hrs
Start date
Status Completed / Untested
Due for NAV 3.4

NAV does not support IPv6 today. Look into support in this order of priority:

  1. Gather data from all routers for IPv6 router ports / prefixes
  2. Complement this with a IPv6 prefix matrix
  3. Gather IPv6 machine tracker data (IPv6 “arp”/neighboring cache).
  4. Consider IPv6 traffic statistics (there are separate IPv6 traffic counters, we think…)
  5. Look at collecting snmp data from netboxes using IPv6. This we consider far fetched.
devel/tasklist3.4.txt · Last modified: 2008/08/19 11:51 by jodal