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nav-ref Arbeidsliste

NAV-ref forside

Dette er den til enhver tid gjeldende listen over innspill fra nav-ref.

Prioriterte oppgaver

Disse oppgavene er sortert i den rekkefølgen de er stemt fram av referansegruppen.

  1. LP#1062313 - Find a replacement for Cricket** (Dette er en TUNG og stor oppgave)
  2. LP#1062150 - NAV has no concept of an “unknown” status
  3. LP#1062298 - NAV watchdog
  4. LP#1169550 - Model virtual stacks to enable alerts on stack degradation
  5. LP#1169527 - Detect topology of unrouted VLANs
  6. LP#1169154 - Transceivers should have their own class instead of counting as modules
  7. LP#1063703 - The status page is becoming cluttered and should be redesigned
  8. LP#1061523 - Feature request: Modify front page
  9. LP#1169557 - Room and Organization opt fields should be replaced with a arbitrary variable=value scheme
  10. LP#1248086 - alert on loss of redundancy in an aggregated (portchannel) link
  11. LP#1248092 - optimize ipdevpoll's cam plugin, it is currently an I/O and memory hog.
  12. LP#1248093 - A NETCONF implementation for NAV must be researched.
  13. LP#744951 - allow for display of smaller subnets in the subnet matrix
  14. LP#1248090 - rewrite ipdevpoll's multiprocess to use generic worker processes
  15. LP#1063699 - Dual stack monitoring
  16. LP#1248081 - New interface/tool to browse unrecognized neighbors

Ikke prioriterte oppgaver

Disse oppgavene har ikke blitt tildelt noen prioritet og ligger i usortert rekkefølge.

  1. LP#1248094 - Implement SNMPv3 support, in accordance with the underlying SNMP library.
  2. LP#1062175 - Prefix discovery timestamp
  3. LP#1300604 - Monitor BGP connectivity
nav-ref/nav-ref-arbeidsliste.1396333321.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/13 13:37 (external edit)