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These are the event and alert types in a common NAV install (With Xymon/Hobbit integration) as of today:

eventtypeid alerttype alerttypedesc
aggregateLinkState linkDegraded This aggregate link has been degraded
linkRestored This aggregate link has been restored
apState apUp AP associated with controller
apDown AP disassociated from controller
bgpState bgpDown This BGP peering session is down
bgpEstablished This BGP peering session has been established
bgpAdmDown This BGP peering session is administratively down
boxRestart coldStart The IP device has coldstarted
warmStart The IP device has warmstarted
boxState boxDownWarning Warning sent before declaring the box down.
boxShadowWarning Warning sent before declaring the box in shadow.
boxDown Box declared down.
boxUp Box declared up.
boxShadow Box declared down, but is in shadow.
boxSunny Box declared up from a previous shadow state.
chassisState chassisDown This chassis is no longer visible in the stack
chassisUp This chassis is visible in the stack again
deviceNotice deviceError Error situation on device.
deviceSwUpgrade Software upgrade on device.
deviceHwUpgrade Hardware upgrade on device.
deviceState deviceInIPOperation The device is now in operation with an active IP address
deviceInStack The device is now in operation as a chassis module
deviceRMA RMA event for device.
fanState fanNotOK A fan unit has entered a non-OK state
fanOK A fan unit has returned to an OK state
hobbitServiceState hobbitServiceUp Hobbit recovered from RED service state
hobbitServiceDown Hobbit RED service state
hobbitServiceWarning Hobbit yellow service state
info dnsMismatch Mismatch between sysname and dnsname.
serialChanged Serial number for the device has changed.
macWarning Mac appeared on port
linkState linkUp Link active
linkDown Link inactive
maintenanceState onMaintenance Box put on maintenance.
offMaintenance Box taken off maintenance.
moduleState moduleDownWarning Warning sent before declaring the module down.
moduleDown Module declared down.
moduleUp Module declared up.
psuState psuNotOK A PSU has entered a non-OK state
psuOK A PSU has returned to an OK state
serviceState httpDown http service not responding.
httpUp http service responding.
snmpAgentState snmpAgentDown SNMP agent is down or unreachable due to misconfiguration.
snmpAgentUp SNMP agent is up.
thresholdState exceededThreshold Threshold exceeded.
belowThreshold Value below threshold.
upsPowerState upsOnBatteryPower Ups running on battery power
upsOnUtilityPower Ups running on utility power
weathergoose_airflow cmClimateAirflowCLEAR Climate Air Flow Sensor Clear Trap
cmClimateAirflowTRAP Climate Air Flow Sensor Trap
cmClimateAirflowNOTIFY Climate Air Flow Sensor Trap
gstClimateAirflowCLEAR Climate Air Flow Sensor Clear Trap
gstClimateAirflowNOTIFY Climate Air Flow Sensor Trap
weathergoose_humidity cmClimateHumidityCLEAR Climate Humidity Sensor Clear Trap
cmClimateHumidityTRAP Climate Humidity Sensor Trap
cmClimateHumidityNOTIFY Climate Humidity Sensor Trap
gstClimateHumidityCLEAR Climate Humidity Sensor Clear Trap
gstClimateHumidityNOTIFY Climate Humidity Sensor Trap
weathergoose_light cmClimateLightCLEAR Climate Light Sensor Clear Trap
cmClimateLightTRAP Climate Light Sensor Trap
cmClimateLightNOTIFY Climate Light Sensor Trap
gstClimateLightCLEAR Climate Light Sensor Clear Trap
gstClimateLightNOTIFY Climate Light Sensor Trap
weathergoose_sound cmClimateSoundCLEAR Climate Sound Sensor Clear Trap
cmClimateSoundTRAP Climate Sound Sensor Trap
cmClimateSoundNOTIFY Climate Sound Sensor Trap
gstClimateSoundNOTIFY Climate Sound Sensor Trap
gstClimateSoundCLEAR Climate Sound Sensor Clear Trap
weathergoose_temperature cmClimateTempCCLEAR Climate Temperature Sensor Clear Trap
cmClimateTempCTRAP Climate Temperature Sensor Trap
cmTempSensorTempCCLEAR Remote Temp Sensor - Temperature Clear Trap
cmClimateTempCNOTIFY Climate Temperature Sensor Trap
cmTempSensorTempCNOTIFY Remote Temp Sensor - Temperature Trap
gstClimateTempCNOTIFY Climate Temperature Sensor Trap
gstTempSensorTempCCLEAR Remote Temp Sensor - Temperature Clear Trap
gstTempSensorTempCNOTIFY Remote Temp Sensor - Temperature Trap
gstClimateTempCCLEAR Climate Temperature Sensor Clear Trap
nav-ref/navref_230221/alerttypes.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/22 11:52 by morten