This is an old revision of the document!
After NAV is installed and started (with ´nav start´) NAV does absolutely nothing
Put differently, NAV does not autodiscover your network, you have to seed the database with key information using the Seed Database tool. This document explains the requirements (minimum and recommended) that need to be followed in order to get NAV going.
Minimum requirements
When you seed network equipement into NAV you need to specify the organization that is operationally responsible for the equipment, and further the room the equipment is placed in. A room needs further to belong to a location. To make things simple a fresh NAV install includes the organization my_org
, the room my_room
and the location my_location
. You may register all your equipment belonging to my_org
and placed in my_room
The mimimum requirements are:
If you stick with these minimum requirements it will mean NAV has no information of where the equipment is located, nor what
organizations are involved. Further, since you have not yet adopted the recommended NAV guidelines for configuring router interface description, you will have no information on the ownership and usage of the various subnets. It is however easy to improve these things at a later stage when you are ready to organize things better.
Bulk import based on the minimum requirements
To make things most efficient Seed Database has the ability to bulk import data from text files using a colon separated list.
Recommended requirements
Define all physical location where equipment is placed, i.e. network/server rooms and wiring closets.
Organize rooms in locations (locations serve as natural geographical domains).
Define all relevant organizational entities, i.e. all entities that have their own subnet and/or are responsible for a piece of (NAV defined) equipment.
Define the natural usage categories for your subnets (students, staff, administration etc).
Adopt the
NAV guidelines for configuring router interface description, the prime advantage being that the IP address scope can be mapped to organization and usage.
Fill in your IP address scope(s) by using “add prefix” and using the netttype=scope. The scopes are necessary for the “IP address scope - graphical view” to work. You may also use “add prefix” to register reserved IP prefixes.
Register your IP devices you want managed by NAV. See
details below.
The order of things
Due to dependencies within the database, it is recommended that you register seed data in the following order:
User categories
IP devices
Registering a new IP device
Registering IP devices is by far the most important and most comprehensive registering process. Some comments:
For routers (GW / GSW) register the loopback address of the router (this is more robust, as this interface never goes down).
The categories GW, GSW, SW, EDGE and WLAN require a SNMP read community. After you fill in the initial form (or after your bulk submit) an actual SNMP poll of the equipment is done. If it does not answer to the given SNMP read community, the IP device will not be added. In other words, you must have the box up and running, configured with SNMP before you can add it to NAV (bulk import is a way of avoiding this requirement).
SNMP write community may be registered with the device, it is not an requirement and is only needed if you are planning to use
Arnold or the PortAdmin functionality available from IP Device Info. If you supply an SNMP write community NAV requires that this is a valid write community.
NAV will automatically register the name of the device based on
DNS (NAV does a host lookup on the given IP address). Note that if
DNS later is changed NAVs collection system will detect this and update the name. If no
DNS record exist, NAV will use the IP address as name. Note that the name configured on the device (i.e. the OID system.sysname) is
not used (we plan for NAV 3.11 of Dec 2011 to also use the system.sysname).
NAV will also derive the serial number from the equipment. If this fails, or if you for some reason want to register something else here, you can do this manually. Registering serial number is not a requirement, but recommended. The serial number is the key parameter to recognize the physical device. Device History bases its track record of physical devices on serial number.
You may register a text string, function, that describes the IP device further. You may find this most relevant for SRV and OTHER.
The subcategory field can be used to classify a device within the category. An example is to classify the servers (category SRV) into the subcategories MAIL and
DNS. An IP device be a member of one or several subcategories. The subcategory will only appear as an option if there are registered subcategories for the category.
After an IP device is successfully added to NAV, the collection system will collect data from the device.
Data collection will commence within 2 minutes. Information on modules, switch ports and ARP data will be available shortly after this. Bridge table data and topology information will need some more time:
mactrace process (cam logger) runs 4 times every hour, with 7.5 minutes average wait time after a new devices is added and 15 minutes worst case.
Topology- and vlan-discovery runs 10 minutes after each cam logger start, and, given that cam collection completes within 10 minutes, worst-case wait time before NAV has complete information on a new device is about 26 minutes.
Bulk import
As an option you can add seed data using the bulk import option. We recommend this for
the initial seeding when you need to input a lot of data.
Tips on bulk importing:
The format of each bulk import type is documented in the bulk import forms of Seed Database.
When you bulk import IP devices you will be presented with a list of green, yellow and red lights. If you submit, IP devices that are green will be added to NAV, the others will not. First make a note of what is missing/wrong with the boxes that have non-green lights and correct this before the next bulk import. Examples:
The syntax in your file is incorrect
You are trying to add duplicates
Note that when bulk importing NAV will accept IP devices even if the provided SNMP read or write communities are incorrect. The effect of wrong communities will of course be that no information can be read/written with SNMP. The SNMP collecter of NAV, ipDevPoll, will log this as error messages. You can also notice the the “Last updated” field in IP Device Info is not updated.
If you are trying to import a nested organizational structure, it may be necessary to import the organization file several times.
The other seed topics
We here comment on the other seed topics.
IP devices (typically servers) may have one or more services that you would like to monitor. Available sewrvices are shown in the service list when you add a service. Some services requires extra arguments, they may also have optional arguments. I.e. for imap you have to supply a username/password. This is necessary in order to make a fully qualified test if the service is working properly.
All IP devices are located in a room.
A room is recognized by its unique roomid (max 30 characters).
A room is on a location and has a description.
You may also register a geographical position (register two comma separated real numbers: latitude, longitude). The Geomap tool of NAV uses the position info to show a geographical layout of your network topology. Please note that the Geomap tool can be used to locate the position on your rooms. Zoom in, locate and click on the position of your room and the last clicked position is displayed. This you can cut and paste into Seed Database|Room.
The parameters optional1 - optional4 are generic, the idea being that they can serve a local purpose. They may describe exact room number, telephone number, etc. By modifying
report.conf you can give the optional parameters meaningful names in the room report!
A location is a geographical area containing a number of rooms. The locationid is max 30 characters.
An organization has a name of max 30 characters. It may have a parent organization, we thus support
a hierarchical structure. Further it has a description and three generic fields, optional1 - 3.
Like for room, the optional field can serve a local purpose, and you can adopt report.conf to reflext this.
You may for instance want to register an email address or a contact person etc.
Note that organization in NAV serves three purposes:
Each IP device has an organization that are in charge of operation (registered when adding the IP device).
Usage categories
Relevant (along with organization) if you adopt the aforementioned guidelines for configuring router interface
descriptions. The usage categories are typically students, staff, administration etc. A maximum
of 30 characters are allowed.
All equipment that answers to SNMP supply a system.sysObjectID, this is an identifier for type. When you add a new IP device NAV will relate this to a known type. If the type is unknown to NAV a new type record will automatically be created. You will most probably want to edit the type name and type description manually later to get better human understandable data. This will become apparent when you look at the “all ip devices report” in the report tool.
The sysobjectid uniquely identifies the type
A type has a name and description
A type belongs to a vendor
The other fields will are:
The boolean variable CDP indicates whether the type supports cdp.
Similarly tftp indicates whether devices of the type can store its config using a tftp server. NAV does not use this for anything, so ignore.
cs at vlan should be checked if the switch is from Cisco
chassis should be checked it is a chassis based switch
Please note that NAV 3.10 (Aug 2011) will remove the attributes cdp, tftp, cs at vlan and chassis, and thus simply the type table a lot.
Consult the type page for more information about types.
Types are of a vendor. A number of vendors are predefined in NAV, if you need to add more do it here.
You may define subcategories within the predefines categories in NAV, see CategoriesAndTypes for more. IP devices may in turn belong to one or more subcategories.
Prefixes that are in operation are autodiscovered in NAV. The collection system finds all directly connected subnets and static routes (the latter will be included i NAV 3.11) from the routers (GW / GSW). The prefixes you can register here are of the
following two types:
scope: A scope defines your entire IP address space, i.e. You may define more than one scope. You may also define IPv6 scopes. Each scope can in turn be seen in
the IP address scope - graphical view under the report tool.
reserved: A reserved prefix is not in operation, but allocated for a certain purpose. Reserved scopes will be visable in
the IP address scope - graphical view and the prefix report. When the prefix later is found in operation, the collection system will automatically change the network type to an operational type.
A vlan is equivalent to a broadcast domain which in turn may consist of zero, one of more IP subnets (usually one). All vlans are autodiscovered in NAV. If the NAV guidelines for configuring router interface descriptions are followed, the collection system has an easy task filling in information on network type, organization and usage. The vlan value can also in many (most) cases be automatically derived. If the guidelines are not followed the network type will be automatically derived (correctly in most cases). If the UNINETT description guidelines are followed, the collection system will set the middle part (logical portname) as netident.
In any circumstance, if there are missing information in the vlan table, you can manually alter the information. The information you may alter are: organization, usage and vlan.
If you like, you can document your cabling system. For each room (wiring closet) register the jack numbers and the target building and room number. Also register the twisted pair category and a description if you like.
Please note that the cabling information is not used elsewhere in NAV, not even in the report system. It is not recommended to add data here.
Similarly you can register patches that are done in the wiring closets from switch port to jack. The patch
may be a split, register what kind, and what leaf.
Please note that the patch information is not used elsewhere in NAV, not even in the report or machine tracker tools.
It is not recommended to add data here.
We recommend that you instead document directly in your switch port descriptions on your switches. Document i.e. to which jack the given
switch port is connected. Since switch port descriptions are collected by NAV, you can in turn easily search for a given jack using the report tool.