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The second maintenance release of the 5.10 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, as NAV does not yet support running under Python 3.11.

Do note that 5.10 is the last series we will package for Debian 10, as NAV 5.11 will drop support for Python versions older than 3.9

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • snmptrapd renamed to navtrapd to avoid naming conflicts with Net-SNMP programs (#2926)


  • Replace incorrect fix for premature ARP record closure introduced in 5.10.1 (#2910)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The first maintenance release of the 5.10 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, as NAV does not yet support running under Python 3.11.

Do note that 5.10 is the last series we will package for Debian 10, as NAV 5.11 will drop support for Python versions older than 3.9

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Fix Machine Tracker DNS search crashing from exhausting all available file descriptors (#2669)
  • ARP records of unreachable devices are now closed by navclean cron job at configurable expiry intervals, rather than immediately as a response to a short ICMP packet loss (#2913)
  • Palo Alto API XML responses are now parsed based on keys instead of indexes (#2924)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The first feature release of the 5.10 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, as NAV does not yet support running under Python 3.11.

Do note that 5.10 is the last series we will package for Debian 10, as NAV 5.11 will drop support for Python versions older than 3.9

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Removed references to IRC support channel from documentation, as the channel is closing down (#2907)


  • Support for Python versions older than 3.9 will be dropped in NAV 5.11.


  • New ipdevpoll plugin to fetch ARP cache data from Palo Alto firewall APIs (#2613)
  • Introduced towncrier to aid in collaborative NAV changelog authoring (#2869)
  • Add library utilities to produce QR codes to arbitrary URLs, for use in upcoming features (#2887)


  • Change the Docker Compose-based development environment to use more build caching and avoid running too many things as root (#2859)
  • Changed required PostgreSQL version to 11


  • Avoid running command line scripts twice on every invocation (#2877, #2878)
  • Fixed developer helper script that broke after Docker Compose development was reorganized (#2888)
  • Fix missing delete icon in form selector labels (#2898)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The first maintenance release of the 5.9 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, as NAV does not yet support running under Python 3.11.

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Fixed broken navclean and navsynctypes scripts (#2875, #2874)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The first feature release of the 5.9 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, as NAV does not yet support running under Python 3.11.

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Added option to enable secure cookies in new web security section of webfront.conf (#2194, #2815)
  • Made mod_auth_mellon (SAML) work for logins (#2740)
    • Also added howto for setting up mod_auth_mellon for Feide authentication.


  • Cycle session IDs on login/logout to protect against potential session fixation attacks (#2804, #2813, #2836, #2835)
  • Flush sessions on logout (#2828)
  • Prevent clickjacking attacks on NAV by disallowing putting NAV site in document frames (#2816, #2817)
  • Cleaned up overview/intro docs (#2827)
  • Various cleanups of the test suites:
    • Remove FakeSession redundancy (#2841, #2842)
    • Fixed activeipcollector get_timestamp function implementation and its broken timezone-naive test (#2831)
    • Fixed broken statemon tests (#2832)
    • Fixed warnings during integration tests (#2847, #2858)
    • Preserve 500-errors in webcrawler tests (#2861)
  • Removed nonsensical pydantic requirement (#2867)
  • Removed warnings when building docs (#2856)


  • Modernize installation of NAV scripts/binaries using pyproject.toml (#2676, #2679)
  • Changed the documentation theme from “Bootstrap” to “Read The Docs”, as the Bootstrap theme was no longer being maintained. This also avoids unnecessary JavaScript libraries in the docs (#2805, #2825, #2824, #2834, #2837, #2833, #2853, #2868)
  • Various changes needed to move NAV closer to being fully compatible with Python 3.11:
    • Replaced all uses of pkg_resources with importlib (#2791, #2798, #2799)
    • Upgraded Twisted to a version that supports Python 3.11 (#2792, #2796)
    • Upgraded psycopg to 2.9.9 (#2793, #2795)
    • Dropped code that was there to support Django’s older than 3.2 (#2823)
    • Upgraded python-ldap from 3.4.0->3.4.4 (#2830)
    • Enabled running test suite on Python 3.10 by default (#2838)
    • Stopped running test suite on Python 3.8 by default (#2851)
    • Fixed invalid/deprecated backslash escapes in MIB dump files, as warned about in newer Python versions (#2846, #2848)
    • Fixed deprecation warning for Django 4.0 in test suite (#2844)
    • Removed an adaption to Pythons older than 3.7 (#2840)
    • Install Node/NPM in docker dev environment (#2855)
    • Vendor the PickleSerializer (#2866)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The fourth maintenace release of the 5.8 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual.

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Allow admins to configure ports with invalid or unset native VLANs in PortAdmin (#2477, #2786)
  • Fix bug that caused PoE config to be completely disabled for Cisco devices where at least one port did not support PoE (#2781)
  • Fix PortAdmin save button moving around for ports without PoE support (#2782)
  • Fix PortAdmin bug that prevented switching PoE state back and forth without reloading entire page (#2785)
  • Fix regression that caused maintenance tasks to be un-editable (#2783, #2784)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The third maintenace release of the 5.8 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, but hope to do so by the end of 2023.

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The second maintenace release of the 5.8 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, but hope to do so by the end of 2023.

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Fix broken “operate as user” function in User and API Administration tool (#2766, #2777)
  • Fix crashing PDU widget (#2776)
  • Fix bug that caused PortAdmin to stop working for Cisco switches (#2773, (#2774)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The first maintenace release of the 5.8 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, but hope to do so by the end of 2023.

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Constrain version of 3rd party module ciscoconfparse, in order to avoid NAV not working under Python 3.7 (#2770, #2771)
  • Fix ipdevpoll crash error from using SNMP v2c profile example that came with NAV (#2767, #2768)
  • Gracefully handle encoding errors in invalid sysname/IP input in SeedDB IP Device form (#2764)
  • Gracefully handle errors from invalid profiles list input in SeedDB IP Device form (#2765)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!

The first feature release of the 5.8 series of NAV is now out!

The source code is available for download at GitHub.

New packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and 11 (Bullseye) are available in our APT repository as usual. We haven’t started building packages for Debian 12 (Bookworm) yet, but hope to do so by the end of 2023.

Please be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for *.dpkg-dist files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.


  • Initial SNMPv3 support added to most parts of NAV
    • Add an SNMPv3 management profile type (#2693, #2699)
    • Add SNMPv3 session support to the synchronous SNMP libraries used by most parts of NAV except ipdevpoll (#2700, #2710)
    • Add SNMPv3 reachability tests in SeedDB IP Device registration forms (#2704, #2734, #2727, #2730)
    • Add SNMPv3 support to Portadmin (#2712, #2731)
    • Add SNMPv3 support to navsnmp command line program (#2724, #2725)
    • Add SNMPv3 support to Arnold (#2726, #2733)
    • Add SNMPv3 session support to ipdevpoll’s asynchronous SNMP libraries (#2736, #2743)
    • Add SNMPv3 support tonavoidverify and naventity command line programs (#2747, #2748)
  • Power-over-Ethernet configuration support for Cisco and Juniper equipment in PortAdmin (#2632, #2633, #2666, #2635, #2759)
  • Extract VLAN association from router port names on Checkpoint firewalls (#2684, #2701)
  • Add link to our GitHub discussion forums in “Getting help” documentation (#2746)
  • Add subcommand to navuser command line program for deleting users (#2705)
  • Add toggle in webfront.conf for automatic creation of remote users (#2698, #2707)
  • Add proper documentation index page for all howto guides (#2716)

Developer-centric additions

  • Add tests for overview of alert profiles page (#2741)
  • Add make rule for cleaning doc directory (#2717)
  • Add an snmpd service container for SNMPv3 comms testing (#2697)


  • Improve validation of maintenance form input in order to avoid unintentional crash reports (#2757)
  • Handle invalid alert profile ID form input without crashing (#2756)
  • Prevent crash errors in esoteric situations where multiple dashboards have been erroneously marked as a user’s default dashboard (#2680)
  • Fix broken navoidverify command on Linux (#2737)
  • Several regressions related to input validation in Alert Profiles were fixed:
    • Fix regression that prevented filter groups from being deleted from an alert profile (#2729)
    • Fix regression that prevented activation/deactivation of alert profiles (#2732)
    • Fix form validation with “equal” and “in” operators for adding expression with group to filter (#2750)
    • Add more expression operator tests for alert profiles and fix cleaning in ExpressionForm (#2752)

Developer-centric fixes

  • Restructure alert profile tests (#2739)


  • Allow write-enabled SNMP profiles to be used for reading when device has no read-only SNMP profiles (#2735, #2751)
  • Improved howto guide for setting up remote user authentication using mod_auth_oidc (#2708)

Developer-centric changes

  • Refactored web authentication code in preparation for future changes to authentication flow (#2706)


Developer-centric removals

  • Remove remaining uses of Netbox.snmp_version (#2522)
  • Remove unused function snmp_parameter_factory (#2753)
  • Remove deprecated Netbox SNMP properties (#2754, #2761)

Release notes

We always advise you to have a look at NAV’s accompanying release notes before upgrading.

Happy NAVing everyone!