NAV 4.3.0 release candidate 1
We have a release candidate for NAV 4.3.0 ready to download for those who want an early peek.
The source code is available for download at Launchpad. A new package for Debian Wheezy has been published in our APT repository, but in the “navbeta” archive instead of the regular “nav” archive - modify the instructions accordingly (We have no packages for Debian Jessie yet, due to dependency problems and our own resource constraints).
We have also published a “beta” Virtual Appliance on our homepage, if you want to test the release candidate separately from your production install (remember, there is no downgrade path!)
This release makes some fundamental changes to NAV’s data model to improve support for non-physical devices (like Cisco VSS and Cisco VDC). Please read the release notes for further information.
User-visible features and improvements:
- LP#744943 (Add switch to toggle display of traffic lines in Geomap)
- LP#961212 (Show planned/active maintenance tasks for device in IP Device Info)
- LP#1149160 (Auto-recognize HTTP URLs in reports and hyperlink them)
- LP#1166695 (PortAdmin available from the toolbox)
- LP#1169550 (NAV’s data model should reflect modern reality, with virtual device support)
- LP#1242872 (Option to turn off traffic stats in Geomap)
- LP#1248081 (New interface/tool to browse unrecognized neighbors)
- LP#1366895 (Report widget)
- LP#1421644 (Support Weathergoose traps from external temperature sensors)
- LP#1397257 (Port Admin may not work properly for any non-HP and non-Cisco device)
- LP#1447973 (CDP/LLDP neighbor matching fails when multiple ports match the identification)
- LP#1447999 (Existing adjacency candidate data in db is not deleted if a device’s CDP cache or LLDP remote table becomes empty)
- LP#1448086 (Unable to identify LLDP neighbor’s port in some instances)
Happy NAVing everyone!