Table of Contents

Welcome to the NAV wiki!

This Wiki contains information about the open source NMS Network Administration Visualized. For the latest official documentation, please see . Some of the older documentation may still be in the process of being moved from the Wiki to the official documentation.

The NAV tools

NAV includes 20 tools, all reachable from the NAV toolbox:

the Status Tool the Network Explorer Netmap Geomap the Report Tool the IP Device Info tool Statistics the Machine Tracker Mac Watch Layer 2 Traceroute the Syslog Analyzer Arnold - the port blocker Seed the database Messages Alert Profiles Maintenance Threshold Manager User Administration the Radius accounting tool Device History

Overview of NAV

NAV's Geomap tool

Download and Use NAV

Roadmap and Development

Getting help

NAV's netmap tool

About this Wiki

This wiki is the documentation home for NAV. Being a wiki - anyone can contribute. The wiki will not allow anonymous edits - you need to register first (Click Login at the bottom of this page, then Register). If you are new to wikis, take a look at the syntax for jumpstart.

Show us your appreciation

We would like to continue improving NAV. So would you, right?! If you find NAV useful - please - keep our spirits up and send us a postcard!