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The first maintenance release of the NAV 4.5 series is now out.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. A new package Debian Jessie has been published in our APT repository as usual (and the virtual appliance is being updated).


The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1591973 (navstats binary is not installed in NAV 4.5.0)
  • LP#1592281 (ipdevpoll statuscheck errors out on some Aruba switches)
  • LP#1593193 (Race condition may make eventengine ignore events at random)

Happy NAVing everyone!

The initial 4.5 series release of NAV is now out.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. A new package for Debian Jessie is published in our APT repository, as usual.

With this release, we discontinue our packaging support for the old Debian Wheezy release. If you wish to package for Wheezy yourself, you can fork the packaging code located at Bitbucket.

The virtual appliance will be updated shortly.


NAV 4.5 introduces the following user-visible features and improvements:

  • LP#1321249 (A new tool for generating Graphite metrics from PostgreSQL queries)
  • LP#1531851 (Trend comparison in graphs)
  • LP#1531853 (API: more flexible authorization and administration)
  • LP#1534481 (Maintenance task selection based on device group)
  • LP#1546434 (Add bulk upload of images in room view)
  • LP#1577318 (Add timestamp filtering to cam and arp API)
  • LP#1588187 (Cabling/patch registration and presentation in need of serious usability improvements)

These reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1551217 (Alert from 3rd party - maintenance mode not respected) [the 4.4.4 release did not fix the eventengine part of this issue, this release does]
  • LP#1590654 (Lost ipdevpoll database connections aren’t properly reset under Django 1.7)

Happy NAVing everyone!

The fourth maintenance release of the NAV 4.4 series was released 02.06.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. New packages for Debian Wheezy and Jessie have been published in our APT repository as usual (and the virtual appliance is being updated).


The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1551217 (Alert from 3rd party - maintenance mode not respected)
  • LP#1569704 (Supplied Apache config example doesn’t explicitly allow access to read files in the upload location)
  • LP#1570814 (DNS lookups in web UI leak UDP sockets until resource exhaustion)
  • LP#1571010 (timeformat unreadable in scheduled messages)
  • LP#1572580 (Malformed month names in syslog messages cause logengine crash)
  • LP#1572599 (Adding VLAN graphs to dashboard does nothing)
  • LP#1572894 (portadmin: Save all button disappears on small screens)
  • LP#1573486 (netmap crashes when a room is not connected to a location)
  • LP#1573569 (portadmin: crash when cisco voice enabled and visiting hp device)
  • LP#1578108 (eventengine enters an infinite loop and stops processing events)
  • LP#1588201 (Status page describes many threshold alerts only as “Sensor object”)

Happy NAVing everyone!

The third maintenance release of the NAV 4.4 series was released 31.03.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. New packages for Debian Wheezy and Jessie have been published in our APT repository as usual (and the virtual appliance is being updated).


The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1538270 (PortAdmin crashes when non admin try to remove a vlan from the trunk)
  • LP#1543529 (portadmin: default vlan is not setable for non-admin if auth is enabled)
  • LP#1543953 (Wrong units in Gbits/s graphs)
  • LP#1544059 (Subnet matrix is no longer helpful when no scopes have been defined)
  • LP#1551205 (Subject description of 3rd party alerts in status page are uninformative)
  • LP#1552198 (ranked statistics give vague error when no data exists)
  • LP#1554466 (PortAdmin: when proper cisco voice vlans enabled changing vlan changes native vlan)
  • LP#1559004 (Extract VLAN information from Juniper routers)
  • LP#1563369 (Rickshaw graphs do not update on interval change)

Happy NAVing everyone!

The second maintenance release of the NAV 4.4 series is now out.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. New packages for Debian Wheezy and Jessie have been published in our APT repositoryas usual (and the virtual appliance is being updated).


The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1538029 (Rickshaw color palette is bad for color blind users)
  • LP#1538113 (report widget crashes with 500)
  • LP#1538270 (PortAdmin crashes when non admin try to remove a vlan from the trunk)
  • LP#1540839 (ipdevpoll inventory job fails when deleting old router addresses)
  • LP#1541246 (alertprofiles: adding subscription fails (when form is not valid?))
  • LP#1541358 (NAV doesn’t work with python-gammu versions 2 and up)

Happy NAVing everyone!

Changed blog platform

For several reasons the blog-platform we used was not optimal, and we decided to change it. We hope that the new platform will perform better, and that you will enjoy the new template.

The first maintenance release of the NAV 4.4 series is now out.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. New packages for Debian Wheezy and Jessie have been published in our APT repository as usual (and the virtual appliance is being updated).


The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1535647 (Broken graph widgets after upgrade to 4.4.0)
  • LP#1535688 (ipdevpoll multiprocess mode broken in NAV 4.4.0)
  • LP#1535701 (subnet matrix has no visible feedback to user if prefix utilization API call fails)
  • LP#1535723 (Room page’s interface tab is blank in NAV 4.4.0)
  • LP#1536031 (Unable to create a new user)
  • LP#1536060 (Unable to get switch port activity for anything but the default interval value)

Happy NAVing everyone!

The initial 4.4 series release of NAV is now out.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. New packages for Debian Wheezy and Jessie is published in our APT repository as usual.

The virtual appliance will be updated shortly.


NAV 4.4 now requires Django 1.7. Unfortunately, Django 1.7 was obsoleted in December, but since we mainly target Debian stable (Jessie), security fixes will be backported by Debian to Django 1.7 for a long time to come. (If you are still running Debian Wheezy, you can obtain python-django 1.7 from the official wheezy-backports repository).

NAV 4.4 introduces the following user-visible features and improvements:

  • LP#1350815 (Add zooming in graphs, like Cacti)
  • LP#1465571 (PortAdmin should log to separate log file)
  • LP#1466373 (seeddb confirm navigation when form is not saved)
  • LP#1466440 (Device groups should be searchable from the navbar)
  • LP#1466462 (Report pagination is nearly invisible)
  • LP#1483578 (request: enable-button in /arnold/details/)
  • LP#1511363 (Organize scope-list in Subnet Matrix-frontend)
  • LP#1526789 (Support sensor discovery on Geist-branded WeatherGoose products)
  • LP#1528124 (Autocreate new types with sensible vendor id’s)
  • LP#1531159 (portadmin: support for Cisco voice vlans)

These reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1248205 (403 Forbidden on front page with apache 2.4)
  • LP#1518246 (subnet matrix - first subnet is not shown)
  • LP#1518251 (subnet matrix - /23 prefixes are displayed incorrectly)
  • LP#1518254 (subnet matrix - link to prefix is suddenly a scope)
  • LP#1521107 (Messages widget does not refresh)
  • LP#1521124 (Django security fix in Debian makes time periods display as blank)
  • LP#1526282 (Module replacements will sometimes crash ipdevpoll inventory job with IntegrityError)
  • LP#1532701 (Snmptrapd fails to post link events if module name is unknown)

Happy NAVing everyone!

This is posted a while after the actual release

Due to a critical bugfix in the NAV service monitor, we are releasing the third maintenance release of the NAV 4.3 series now. We urge anyone using NAV’s buil-in service monitor to upgrade as soon as possible.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. New packages for Debian Wheezy and Jessie have been published in our APT repository as usual (and the virtual appliance has been updated).


The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1518950 (machine tracker - form should reflect link parameters)
  • LP#1519362 (Forgetting to add a name to an alert profile causes template selection to be cleared in form)
  • LP#1520119 (Servicemon silently stops checking services after running for a while)

Happy NAVing everyone!

The second maintenance release of the NAV 4.3 series is now out.

The source code is available for download at Launchpad. New packages for Debian Wheezy and Jessie have been published in our APT repository as usual (and the virtual appliance has been updated).


The following reported bugs have been fixed:

  • LP#1487436 (arnold rejects ip-addresses that ends with the number 0)
  • LP#1488003 (Alert Profiles UI does not enable multi-value select for the “IN” filter operator)
  • LP#1488010 (link to ipdevinfo if applicable for subjects without absolute url)
  • LP#1488441 (room map widget does not load map)
  • LP#1488774 (Arnold documentation should be updated and moved from wiki to Sphinx)
  • LP#1489843 (javascript require-libs timeout)
  • LP#1492246 (Topology of disabled interfaces may linger in some cases)
  • LP#1494190 (clicking on a shared time period in alert profiles selects all)
  • LP#1494232 (hovering a shared time period in alert profiles highlights all)
  • LP#1494233 (When exporting switch port information from a room view as CSV, the output contains extra spaces and newlines in the first column)
  • LP#1494279 (Inconsistent Servicemon checker names)
  • LP#1496396 (Service checker descriptions and service checker argument descriptions are not displayed to the user in SeedDB)
  • LP#1496780 (Threshold alerts are not very descriptive on the status page)
  • LP#1497970 (Add SEMI-MIB to retrieve serial number for HP 1810 switch)
  • LP#1498323 (Traps from WeatherGoose devices no longer work after rebranding from IT Watchdogs to Geist)
  • LP#1499343 (The wiki page describing background processes in NAV should be moved to Sphinx docs)
  • LP#1500423 (ipdevpoll: Transaction managed block ended with pending COMMIT/ROLLBACK)
  • LP#1500425 (Inventory and statuscheck jobs of ipdevpoll still can fail after an OS upgrade)
  • LP#1505524 (Retrieve software version for HP 1810 switch)
  • LP#1505945 (Add API endpoint for VLAN information)
  • LP#1507467 (Temperature sensor gauges as widgets)
  • LP#1513046 (LLDP neighbors with “funny” names may cause ipdevinfo NoReverseMatch crash)
  • LP#1516956 (Services should be considered on maintenance when their parent IP Device is on maintenance)
  • LP#1516972 (Maintenance status is not visible in service matrix and service lists)

Happy NAVing everyone!